Saturday, December 1, 2007

Fastest Point And Shoot Digital Camera

18/98: Shadow of the Inquisition against the people of XXI century rule of law

Author: Floren Aoiz, writer
Source: Gara, 01/12/2007
Url document: ...

The Inquisition was not a phenomenon unique to areas dominated by the English monarchy. However, the English Inquisition which has passed the world's collective imagination as an emblem the fanatical pursuit of ideas. It is no accident, nor the product of an alleged black legend: his crimes were numerous and the Inquisition reflected the political philosophy and strategy of the English kings, and, in turn, infused ; the status of a fundamentalist and intolerant varnish which is perfectly visible in the English policy of 2007. In short, the Inquisition, not as historical institution with a beginning and end, but as satanizacióny relentless persecution of those considered enemies of the state and the 'different', is a hallmark of English nationalism. As is the spirit of crusade, of course.

The Franco regime, which definíaa itself as a regime "born of the Crusade", and therefore called cross to his coup and the destruction they caused, faithfully embodied inquisitorial spirit. The newspaper said the Falange "Top Spain in its first issue after closing and theft of plant and rotating 'La Voz de Navarra ":" Comrade, you are obliged to pursue and destroy Judaism, Freemasonry, Marxism and separatism. Destroy and burn his books, his magazines, his propaganda. "

the shadow of yokes, arrows and other symbols of the Catholic kings and imperial Spain, the Franco rebellion came to accuse advocates of republican legality and promulgated in February 1939 a Law of Political Responsibilities, in 1940 another of Repression Masonryand of Communism, which followed, the General Cause in April of that year, the State Security in 1941 and the Military Revolt in 1943. The string is played until the end, as only weeks before his death the dictator signed the execution order of five militant anti-fascists. The "justice" Franco created the Special Court for the Suppression of Communism Masonryand, which later would result in the Court of Public Order, the source of the current Court. 'Democracy' created later his own laws 'special', broadening the spectrum of the prosecution to all areas of social and political life to the most recent coming Parties Act: new forms, old principles.

Christiane Stallaert Belgian researcher who has compared the cases of the English Inquisition and the Nazi regime, highlights the obsession of both to eliminate diversity and homogenize society. It was an obsession focused on race, but as you know, after this effort was politically motivated obvious (that's why Jews and Muslims Navarre opposed the English conquest of 1512, and the newly imported Inquisition was used to persecute supporters of independent Navarre State). No wonder Stallaert call attention to the fact that while Nazism has been convicted, there is a "complete absence of guilty conscience" of the Inquisition, even though their crimes were extended for centuries. And this is indeed the question. Just as no one ever condemned Franco and others English fascist criminals, and even the English Inquisition formally disappeared in the nineteenth century, the spirit of pursuing diversity and the pursuit of homogeneity is as alive as I write these lí the police lines for the state search and arrest more than forty citizens of Euskal Herria to take a English dungeon. That is, not only has not condemned this effort inquisitorial, but has been transmuted into the "rule of law" of an alleged rule of law.

The charges against the defendants are terrible, as were those that were wielded against those who fell into the hands of the Inquisition. They have to do with "Evil", which once identified with the devil, witchcraft, Judaism, Islam or 'heresy' Protestant and is now the Basque independence, presented as an evil and multifaceted framework dominated by the supreme embodiment of evil: ETA. There is always a very serious reason for the inquisitorial machinery set up and crush the enemy of the good. And as has happened over the centuries, shed rivers of ink (ink 'digital' including, of course) to illustrate the evils of the persecuted and to see how far society was necessary to remove the evil without a second thought.

If I referred to the Basque newspaper closed by the Falange in 1936, the summary 18/98 encompassed including those associated with "Egin" assaulted and closed the newspaper in 1998. Change the dates, and forms, of course. Now the English state is defined itself as a democracy. Today, in addition, everything is organized to use the media amplify comunicacióny image of a strong and firm. In this case, is handling the information in minimal amounts to deliberately create confusion and cause a feeling of powerlessness among broad sectors of Basque society. A doomed effort, on the other hand, because if anything shows the intensity of the English repression bet is the power of the Basque insurgency and the resounding defeat of all counterinsurgency plans put into practice so far. This reflection a server does from his own personal experience, revived these days when the tenth anniversary of the ruling that ordered the then National Bureau of Herri Batasuna to seven years in prison for collaborating with armed gang.

Despite the formal renewal persists background and uncompromising authoritarian English nationalism that creates the laws that gives accurate and as special courts to defend their goals and attack those who do not share their views. And this only deepen the chasm between the old English government and Basque society. All repressive blow deepens the abyss, and farther from each other's side. This state has said no to a political solution emphasizes the path of strength and muscle out the only way he knows, but does not behave well, but show political weakness.

are times of Inquisition, and it seems that this will change any time soon. This is the Spain that some want to seduce. The Spain where they want to live comfortable. The Spain that tells us, with arrests and imprisonment, that is not willing to recognize as a nation. The Spain that, despite losing its empire, still has not understood that it is impossible ever to a town such as Basque is made master of his fate. The waning in Spain there was a time in which the sun never set, which in 1812 was defined as "the meeting of the English in both hemispheres", which was then a "unity of destiny in the universal" and that in this century is facing a structural crisis impossible solution while English nationalism do not leave your spirit Inquisition and Crusade. Spain, which is mired in Euskal Herria, as has so often done in the past, as it did in Flanders or in Cuba. Who wants a place in the Spain?

Faced with a modern Basque society, inclusive and rich in diversity, mature and tired of not being able to make their own decisions, compared to a twenty-first century nation, ultimately, its fury roars fossilized state in its essence imperial , a state cheesy Crusade and the Inquisition, which uses force because they feel terror at the possibility of civilized debate in which people can decide freely. The girl in front of Euskal Herria the decrepit Spain, a great and free. The illusion of deciding against imposing obsession. After all, the yearning for democracy against the heavy burden of English fascism ever faced, and so we will all, in the Nuremberg trial.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Female Genetal Waxing Strips

A twisted

English judiciary and the latest raids in the Basque Country

Author: John Brown. Translated from French by Beatriz Morales Bastos
Source: Rebellion
Document Url: ...

On Tuesday the English authorities raided the south of the Basque Country between media independence as a result of which 23 people were detained and two of them are already in prison. They are leaders of Batasuna, a political organization that represents approximately 15% of the electorate in the Basque Country. The English authorities claim to this political formation in illegal under a law of political parties tailor-made to ban it. Esta ley de partidos -que había sido
defendida en el Parlamento por el actual presidente del gobierno socialista, Zapatero- se ha aplicado
exclusivamente a Batasuna y a las organizaciones políticas y agrupaciones electorales que los
miembros de Batasuna han tratado de formar. En efecto, basta con que un miembro de Batasuna esté
presente en una lista para que ésta sea prohibida. Se ha puesto a Batasuna fuera de la ley sobre
la base de pertenecer a un conglomerado "terrorista" que, según el juez Baltasar Garzón
-sí, el célebre juez que no logró la extradición de Pinochet- dependería
directamente of the armed separatist organization ETA. This unit has never been demonstrated. At best, it has been demonstrated convergence "objective" legal actions between Batasuna and ETA's armed action. In fact, both organizations pursue the same objectives, autodeterminacióny long term, the independence of the Basque Country (Basque Autonomous Community and Navarre in the English State, the departments in the French Basque , s). Furthermore, this claim is far from being a minority as more than 60% of the Basque political party supporters for self-determination, but not necessarily independence.

So, to criminalize the Basque independence movement English authorities have applied a legal doctrine based on an amalgam of legitimate political objectives in a democracy (self-determination, including independence of the Basque ) and a criminal methods employed in pursuing these same goals. If ETA is a separatist armed group, it is quite natural to recruit in the media independence and, therefore, that its members are also members political groups, cultural associations, youth groups, etc, belonging to this movement. Hence the only objective basis of the doctrine under which Garzon, since ETA militants are members of the Batasuna party or association or union youth EKIN LAB or readers of the newspaper Gara, all these organizations would be exactly the same. Thus, in the order of imprisonment of two Batasuna spokesmen were arrested yesterday, Garzon justifies his action by saying that part of "the terrorist organization ETA-Batasuna-EKIN, as members Batasuna party. The practice of amalgamation is apparent.

is accused, more specifically, both spokespersons of involvement in a banned demonstration in favor of the more than 600 Basque political prisoners languishing in English jails, far Basque Country and subjected to emergency rule which do not benefit from sentence reductions for good behavior and are often placed in isolation. The event, banned this year, is celebrated every year on the same day for more thirty and was not in any way a violent demonstration. Their demands were not even particularly radical protesters and simply demanded respect for the English penal laws in regard to Basque prisoners, especially the approach to the Basque Country and that they apply the normal prison rules . Therefore, these two people are in prisióny many others have been detained for exercising their rights of free asociacióny their freedom of expression.

is useless to seek in order to charge lower Garzón of violence against persons or property. And yet, what are accused two representatives of the pro-independence party is indeed "terrorism." The only base that supports this accusation is a simple analogy: are terrorists because they pursue the same goals as the terrorists. If it takes a little further this flawed inference could be accused of terrorism by nationalist Ibarretxe Christian Democrat who chairs the Basque Autonomous Region and is also a strong supporter of the autodeterminacióny the sovereignty of the Basque Country.

It is not compatible with basic democratic principles that have entered the crime of "terrorism" in European penal codes. In fact, all definitions of terrorism are based on the grouping of a series of less violent masochistic acts around a common political purpose. However, the violence that represent the objective aspect of terrorism and are listed in the penal code and criminal pseudoconcept terrorism only adds to them the political intention. It is clear that the definition of a crime in these terms is extremely dangerous for political freedoms. All liberal and democratic criminal doctrine is based on the prohibition of analogy, according to which any penalty should be taken in accordance with a rigorous definition of the act delicitivo. This is what follows the old principle "nullum crimen sine lege" no crime without a previous law that defines it narrowly defined. The only European regimes that excluded the principle of criminal law are those whose leaders called Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini. Since taking power the ministers of justice the two regimes were quick to replace the criminal code banning the analogy by the mandatory application of the principle of analogy with the aim of establishing the repressive order almost seamless which is rightly associated with fascism and National Socialism. And let the judge be an instrument of law, to become the executor of the political will of the regime or, more specifically, the dictator. The defendant went well the status of citizen is presumed to be innocent of the enemy. With the result already observed by the National Socialist jurist Carl Schmitt that "when the enemy becomes the judge, the judge becomes the enemy." The criminal law thus becomes an act of war.

course, the actions of ETA-especially those directed against elements of the civilian population or those that produce side effects on it, are ethically intolerable from both a civil and military and political inu , tiles and even counterproductive, it does not prevent enrolling in a context of widespread denial of rights and institutional violence. This does not justify at all, but to understand that many citizens refuse Basques to "condemn" only this violence. The number of Basque prisoners at this time is already a political and social data of primary importance. But keep in mind tambiéna the thousands who passed earlier by the English prisons or the tens of thousands who were detained and often battered, many of them even tortured, before and after Franco's death to understand the strength of the claim autodeterminacióny the intensity of resistance and repression. A democratic state can not cope with a social phenomenon of these dimensions by pretending that there is only a problem of terrorism.

Last year, when the ETA declared a permanent ceasefire, was to reach a political settlement with the different actors. The English government took the opportunity to play a solution for the Irish. It is difficult to know if queríao could not to be caught in nets directly state apparatus inherited from the dictatorship. Zapatero's government also had to meet commitments by the PSOE during the "transition" with the army and right-wing forces, particularly in regard to the maintenance unit Espanaye the king appointed by General Franco. ETA, meanwhile, tired of failure by the English government did not have the patience to wait for the development of citizen mobilization in favor of the peace process, which could have been undertaken to unravel the situacióny spectacular action of sabotage in the Madrid airport that killed two Ecuadorian immigrants. The same day of the attack the government ended this peace process, which he had not been more than a vague exchange of words with no consequences. A few months later, ETA ended a ceasefire until the Barajas bombing was always unilateral, as the English government remained intact for the duration of their policy of harassment of the armed and all sectors of independence. Since then the English socialist government, eager to snatch votes from the right-of which is within walking distance in the polls, play the repressive órdago which falls this latest wave of arrests. From now fear that ETA may resume the "armed activities", to which the Zapatero government or its successor no doubt will respond right with a new attack on the rights of the Basques and the English. Only a strong demand by Basque and English society of resuming the peace process and restore a general framework of liberties by repealing all the laws of excepcióny recognizing the democratic rights of the Basque people can prevent this undesirable trend. Unfortunately, this is unlikely to occur when the English left, in their overwhelming majority, reluctant to break with the genuinely anti-democratic consensus generated, thirty years ago, the current regime.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Do Dickies Shrink When You Wash Them?

semantic browsers or browser semanticize

Author: José A. Senso (Universidad de Granada)
Source: IweTel - Thinkepi
Url document: ... / ...

The following, along with replicas that resulted, was originally published in the mailing list last IweTel 10/04/2007. As mentioned, gave rise to interesting replicas that can be located loose in the days thereafter, file IweTel list, or grouped together with the initial text in the repository of Thinkepi.

[Begin text]

After several years since the emergence of the concept of Semantic Web seems that in certain respects the "invention" is evolving in a more than favorable. There are a lot of projects that employ some (or most) layers of the famous graphic explanatory Berners-Lee. Today we can find many programs with varying success, have been able to capture many of the ideas introduced in this philosophy of managing the data. But where they still have taken few steps, or at least not very strong, is in practice more visible to users: browsers. It is assumed that all this large amount of information which is structured in XML, described with metadata, organized with ontologies and recovered by means of intelligent agents, should be visible by some method . What mechanism is with the average user is most familiar and integrated within the existing site?

Indeed, browsers provide a link between the surfer and information, and making transparent ignoring all this conglomeration of acronyms, protocols and standards. If this happens on the web "normal", ie we work with today, regardless of whether the name is 2.0, dynamic, blogosphere or who want to invent new, it is logical that something similar happens with the natural evolution: the semantic web.

A quick tour projects and, especially, semantic software allows us to distinguish between two different methods for browsers that provide semantic information display. The first one, I will call Semantic Browser, which is intended to browsers designed specifically for the semantic web. The second, which I call semanticize the Navigator, adds elements to existing programs to extend their chances of drawing certain semantic features seaworthiness incorporated into web pages. In

Navigators group Semantic highlights, of course, an invention of Tim Berners-Lee, to be honest, is not so successful as it should. Tabulator is his name, although in these early versions works as a browser within a browser, it is logical that the evolution over time it becomes an independent software. This open source program based on Ajax, it works in Firefox (you need to solve a small problem of security as explained in the help ) or Opera widget . This browser is

based on a protocol that its creators have called bread crumbs (bread-crumbs). The idea is to browse resources in a scalable, which means you do not need to load into memory all the information contained in the file you are viewing (usually in RDF, but not limited). The information will show as the user is going to require, as a person is slowly picking up crumbs of soil to reach the desired destination.

Along with this new navigation system, the browser can identify on a map the geographical location expressed as a file (for example, who have identified a FOAF file the coordinates of your workplace, show the exact location) via Google Mashup or query using the query language for RDF SPARQL . Although still a long way to go, the proposed platform is very promising. Of course, there are other browsers in this category are able to show that semantic information similarly. What stands BigBlogZoo , Haystack client that runs on Eclipse or Aktive Space.

Although there are many programs to semanticize the Navigator, which is spreading more and more possibilities for the future presented is Piggy Bank. It is written in Java extension for the Firefox browser that makes it possible to extract certain key elements of a website and store it in RDF.

Depending on the information you find on a web page, Piggy act in two ways. Thus, if the site has an RDF file or any application thereof, such as FOAF, or meta-information regardless of whether is Dublin Core meta tags or HTML, the program will capture the informacióny integrated into a repository, as a local database, organized according to the structure described. If, however, the site has no information of this type, the software will invoke a scraper to remove this informacióny the structure.

The Screen Scraping is a technique that is used for automatic extraction of text, obviating the binary information (images, multimedia, etc.).. The scrapers are able to work programs with any text to processes and structures. In fact, they are frequently used by Internet search engines as an appendix to work done by their spiders. Scroogle , for example, uses this technique to search Google without leaving those annoying commercials about the results. Piggy

includes three different scrapers written in JavaScript which are fully configurable, you just have to have some minimal knowledge in this programming language, but also new thinking can be used to retrieve images on Flickr ( FlickrPhotoScraper ) or search for friends to turn social networks Frying Orkut Scraper or Linkedin ). Even tells you how you should do one to search for apartments .

The information collected can be added tags to describe it. The technique of putting each contribute keywords has become very popular thanks to sites like CiteULike or, as it leads a community to build a taxonomíay post it to a semantic global bank, and this is another interesting choice that we see in Piggy Bank. The bank is a repository semantic community descriptions in RDF that allows its users to share information they have collected. It is a very easy to publish and share structured information. Although currently there are only two: one generic , which is a mess, and another specifically established for the conference ISWC2005. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating semantic banks for professional groups, subject areas, etc., Is more than interesting. It is still less interesting studying a mechanism to get together all the tags created by individual users of the system. If an ontology would be able to collect the names provided in a folksonomíay allow, in addition, people could determine the relationship between them, facilitate the creation of folksologies (folk ontologies). But this is a topic for another text. Piggy

addition, other programs, which are presented as extensions of Firefox and expand the possibilities offered by the browser. Highlight them all especially Greasemonkey and Chickenfoot as they facilitate the inclusion scripts to manipulate web page elements automated.

really can not close this paper with a conclusion. No one can say that projects choose to create specific semantic browsers have a more solid basis than those who decide to extend the semantic possibilities of the current browsers. Maybe a hybrid system, which provides protocol Tabulator bread crumbs with the automatic generation of RDF descriptions and semantic bank Piggy Bank, along with the ability to navigate and boo Search of MSPACE (incidentally, that after watching the demo anyone would occur many possibilities of applying this program to a library) settle the ideal browser.

[ aftershocks continue ]

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Bad Cases Of Impetigo

Comparative analysis of conceptual map editors free to use

Authors: C. Fontanals Rovira, B. Mesa Lao (*)
Source: BiD Universitaris of library texts i Documentació, No. 16, June 2006
Url document: ...

(*) Institut Universitari de Lingüística Applied (IULA), Universitat Pompeu Fabra


The graphical representation of concepts emerged and developed in academic environments as a mechanism to explain the learning process in a clear and flexible. In recent years, the emergence of new digital learning scenarios and the consolidation of hypertext as a means of content delivery offer new application scenarios for this technique of representation No knowledge. Schemes web graphics can facilitate the one hand, the physical navigation through the contents of a site and, on the other, conceptual or semantic navigation through this content. In the first case, we use navigation maps as a means to represent the physical architecture behind a website. In the second case, used the concept maps to represent the logical architecture of the site.

This article is divided into 5 parts. Apart from the introduction in the second, it introduces the notion of concept map and it is related to the concept of navigation map in the context of the Internet. In the third, are the main editors of conceptual maps available free on the web and provides a comparison between them. Finally, we analyze the web sites of publishers to determine their degree of implementation in accordance with the positioning to get on the Internet and include the general conclusions.

This research has been conducted by the Group DigiDoc within the project "Semantic Web and document information systems, the Ministry of Education HUM2004-03162/FILO and Science (2004-2007). Source

concept maps and psychological theory

The origin of concept maps to be placed in the work of Joseph D. Novak made in the mid sixties of last century, in the context of a research project on the psychology of learning. Novak (1982, 1984, 1988) investigating children's learning in school, based on the theories of Ausubel (1989) and created the concept maps as a tool to visualize the type of lessons learned. Novak did not think of any Internet time, among other reasons because the network did not exist. It was then when you have seen the usefulness of these maps to facilitate access to information in digital environments.

Interestingly, some basic principles of learning theory of Ausubel which gave rise to the concept maps. The fundamental idea of \u200b\u200bthis author is based on the concept of meaningful learning , understood as learning in which the student relates new concepts to concepts already familiar in contexts that also dominates. Thus, there is an overall sense of knowledge acquired. This type of learning is conscious and substantially different from rote learning, based on recall phrases implying a true comprensióny assimilation of concepts. Meaningful learning is stored in long-term memory, whereas rote learning is stored in short-term memory. Ausubel

mentions three conditions that must occur to produce meaningful learning in the context of a training activity:

  • The information has to be learned must be presented in a conceptually clear so you can relate to student's prior knowledge.
  • The student must have prior knowledge that they can relate new information that has to learn.
  • The student must take the decision to learn significantly.

On the other hand, Ausubel believes that the human faculty of memory is not a passive recipient to be filled, but a complex set of interrelated systems and restructure must be fed constantly.

Concept maps graphically can express relationships between concepts and thus show how an individual interrelated concepts I already knew the concepts that have been taught. Based on this principle, Ausubel concept maps used as an indicator to determine if a student had learned significantly and as a tool to assess how similar content had been organized.

Concept maps A concept map is a graphical representation of a set of interrelated concepts. This is a graphic that shows a set of ideas (concepts) and relations established between them. The ultimate goal is to capture graphically the conceptual structure of the map that the author has about the subject depicted.

According to Novak, a concept map consists of concepts and linking phrases. The concepts are represented within a rectangle and the linking phrases labeled line linking one concept with another showing the relationship established between them. Link phrases are not framed in a rectangle to differentiate the concepts.

Typically, concepts are expressed with a noun or noun phrase. The linking phrases are usually prepositions, adverbs, conjunctions and verb phrases.

[...] [Continues ]

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Rosetta Stone Rsd Play

Six Spanish universities team up to launch a search engine Internet that responds to direct questions

Source: El País , 08/04/2007
Url document: http://www.elpais . com / ...

Researchers from the universities of Alicante (UA), Barcelona, \u200b\u200bJaén, UNED and the Polytechnic University of Valencia and Catalonia designed a new Internet browser will attempt to increase the effectiveness of the consultations to provide simple answers to specific questions, compared to the current model, which simply provides listings pages web.

The principal investigator, Patricio Martinez Barco, and the director of Group Language Processing and Information Systems , Manuel Palomar, both from the AU, explained that the project is Text-Mess funded with one million euros within the National Plan for R & D, and which began last October, with a term of three years. For Martinez Barco, a growing Internet information overload, some studies estimate that more than 200,000 million page-causes that have become "obsolete" the current search engines.

The project aims to define a new generation search engine capable of finding "the need behind each query," adds the researcher, to offer specialized services and links to the type of demand. Thus, it is intended that, for example, Internet users interested in knowing the height of the Eiffel Tower to automatically obtain the number of meters and the source of data origin and not, as so far, a list of thousands of pages where you can get to try to discover the solution.

English Computer engineers involved in Text-Mess integrated document search (web pages) to multimedia (images, audio and video) and database . Another novelty of this project is to give a bigger role to European languages \u200b\u200bagainst the English. Thus, the form of art will enter variables in European languages \u200b\u200band get the answer in the same language but the information can be extracted from a page written in a different web. Scientists working for the browser is operating in French, Italian, German, Bulgarian, Romanian, Czech, Finnish, Russian, English, Valencian and Catalan, will be extended into other languages.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Sarah Hendy Wikipedia

Remote Control, 1903 [on Torres Quevedo]

Source: El País, 17/03/2007
Url document: ...

Telekino International recognition for an invention of Leonardo Torres Quevedo to control ships and dirigibles

The remote control, which generates daily as many domestic disputes to get its control, is a very useful gadget with a long history behind it. It was the English engineer Leonardo Torres Quevedo (1852-1936) who in 1903 designed, built, tested and patented the first remote control. He called Telekino. It was not the only invention of this restless Cantabria born engineer who has completed his studies in Madrid in 1876. In addition to his experiments came Telekino such notable contributions as the first dirigible English, the first shuttle capable of transporting people who started at Mount Ulia of San Sebastian in 1907. One of those shuttles created by Torres Quevedo, the English Aerocar , continues today to operate on the Niagara Falls.

This man, who gained recognition from his contemporaries and refused the post of Minister of Public Works in 1918, was a forerunner of modern computing. Proof of this chess-players a taste of what we now call "artificial intelligence and electromechanical Arithmometer , a calculator together with a typewriter, history of digital computers.

The prestigious Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE ), has now recognized the invention of Telekino - tele (distant) and kino (movement) - included in your list Official Milestones (Milestones ) in the history of engineering [1 ] [ 2 ]. This is the first time a English creation comes in as a select list, where Torres Quevedo now shares the spotlight with Benjamin Franklin, Alessandro Volta, Guglielmo Marconi, between 65 and recognized landmarks. Two Leonardo Torres Quevedo (grandson and great grandson), together with other descendants of the celebrated engineer milestone yesterday with the authorities of the Polytechnic University of Madrid. It unveiled a plaque at the School of Civil, in the room devoted to Torres Quevedo, where the prototype-running-the Telekino. Three

impulses go straight ... seven pulses, 10 degrees to starboard ... eight pulses, 20 degrees to starboard ... These commands move the propeller and the ship's wheel attached to Telekino. Torres Quevedo created to control the airship without anyone in danger in the tests, but tested the remote with a boat at the Casa de Campo in Madrid and then in 1906 in the estuary of Bilbao.

The demonstration worked perfectly but the lack of support for its application will probably disappoint the engineer, who left the work.

More info: Torres Quevedo, L. (1907). The Telekino . Public Works Magazine , 55, Volume I (1653) pp. 325-328.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Good Snowbaord Movies

Processing natural language in the case of Spanish-rules and knowledge base

Author: Comeche Martínez, Juan Antonio (*)
Source: ANABAD Bulletin, 2005, 55 (1-2) : 87-96.

(*) School of Information Science , Biblioteconomíay Documentation Department, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)

Summary Information Retrieval, a possible area technique to increase the accuracy of the results obtained by the system in response to user demand is to subject the natural language texts in the collection process of unification of the linguistic variations of the words in the language concerned. Such variants can be both inflected language as derivative. The unification of inflectional variants seeks to bring together under a single term indexing words that are distinguished by gender (cat, cat), the number (cat, cats) or by verbal inflection (love, love, loved, had loved ...). The unification of variant derivative, for its part, seeks to bring together under one term all the words that are part of the same semantic field although they have different endings (eg, distress, distressed, distressed, distressing ...).

De Martínez Comeche see also in relation to the previous document:

SREC-I: prototype Intelligent Recovery System [PDF ]
In Documentation of Information Science , Volume 28, 2005

Summary Description of a prototype intelligent retrieval system called SREC-I developed in Prolog. Explains their general characteristics, initially motivated by didactic purpose. Here are the main component modules in Prolog code and two of them.

[Begin text, we have omitted the footnotes to the original page]

Information retrieval, as a study area, has behind it more than forty years of business. Since its inception the primary goal has not changed, so that meet the information needs of users typically show the documents where you find the information sought and automate the process with maximum efficiency and effectiveness, the challenge remains fundamental of the many researchers working in this field.

During these decades many different approaches have been tried, from the traditional Boolean model, vector or probabilistic, to which we can include under the common denomination of techniques artificial intelligence, which include neural networks or genetic algorithms.

Since the first conference TREC (Text REtrieval Conference), held in Gaithersburg, Maryland, between 4 and 6 November 1992, it paid particular attention to the evaluation of systems and specifically the need for systems where test results and test collections of which to compare the improvements achieved with the techniques under consideration. Among the various information retrieval systems (CRS) of free access that will be used SMART and ZPRISE stand.

But to have been designed specifically for evaluation RESEARCH AND decreases, however, its utility from the educational point of view. The test collections that serve as input to these SRI, for example, meet all the documents in a single text file, reserving special characters to indicate the beginning and end of each of them. By contrast, in actual SRI library is not fixed, it is usual that the ups and downs of documents to be constant. In order that students could also see these processes of incorporation and disposal of funds, SREC-I was designed so that each document is stored in a separate file.

On another important note, these systems usually require that decisions on operating parameters (method of calculating the weights of the terms, for example) are taken prior to both the performance No program, so that while executing users / students and can not intervene or are told the specific techniques employed or the values \u200b\u200bof the parameters used by the system at that time. Thanks to this computing time can be compared and evaluated, although the didactic utility is seriously impaired. As initially the prime focus in our case was the teacher, SREC-I was designed in an interactive way: the system warns the student of many of the mistakes made by him to run, he explains the nature and helps to solve without being forced to reboot. In addition, it refers specifically about each of the techniques and parameters that you can take in every moment, which forces the student to be much more aware of the operating mode internal CRS.

These two characteristics mentioned we should add a third but not least: SREC-I was not designed by adopting a specific model or approach when designing recovery informació n. On the contrary, the burden of documentation is done so that any of the three recovery models called classical (Boolean, vector and probabilistic) can in principle be made with the collection, although not yet probabilistic model is deployed in SREC-I. It was decided and at the time thinking that the student may thus become aware of their potential use in the future Shall decide on the systems and collections in their care.

Moreover, since it was initially thought to be adding new modules to the system increase their operating options, mainly from the field of Artificial Intelligence and more specifically to ; area of \u200b\u200bNatural Language Processing. That is why the name was imposed smart (SREC-I) and the reason that has been developed entirely in Prolog, whereas specific capabilities of this language for the development of programs related to the handling of natural language and in general with Artificial Intelligence.

The first such expansion is in advanced stage of development. This is a stemmer for the Castilian hopefully see the light over the next year. It has also been programmed in Prolog and the possibility exists that SREC-I may be used for evaluation. Its use for this purpose does not depend primarily on the implementation of a charging algorithm that supports the test collections existing in a single file.

SREC-I has already been tested during the past academic groups of third year of the Diploma in Biblioteconomíay Documentation (elective course in Advanced Treatment Systems and Information Retrieval) and the second year of the Bachelor of Documentation (in the core subject Advanced Techniques of Information Retrieval), obtaining good reception and generally satisfactory results. This fact encourages me to continue with the project and make improvements to the deficiencies observed.

My intention is to make it available to all teachers who wish to do so through a web portal whose launch is planned for next year. While it is not possible to download the program in its entirety, at least the interested reader may consult the following pages the salient features of the current modules of SREC-I and code PROLOG say two of them, which I believe development of the most difficult and despite numerous existing bibliographical material on Prolog, for although sometimes very valuable, to my knowledge none specifically addresses the creation of code for a SRI in that language.

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