Sunday, April 29, 2007

Bad Cases Of Impetigo

Comparative analysis of conceptual map editors free to use

Authors: C. Fontanals Rovira, B. Mesa Lao (*)
Source: BiD Universitaris of library texts i Documentació, No. 16, June 2006
Url document: ...

(*) Institut Universitari de Lingüística Applied (IULA), Universitat Pompeu Fabra


The graphical representation of concepts emerged and developed in academic environments as a mechanism to explain the learning process in a clear and flexible. In recent years, the emergence of new digital learning scenarios and the consolidation of hypertext as a means of content delivery offer new application scenarios for this technique of representation No knowledge. Schemes web graphics can facilitate the one hand, the physical navigation through the contents of a site and, on the other, conceptual or semantic navigation through this content. In the first case, we use navigation maps as a means to represent the physical architecture behind a website. In the second case, used the concept maps to represent the logical architecture of the site.

This article is divided into 5 parts. Apart from the introduction in the second, it introduces the notion of concept map and it is related to the concept of navigation map in the context of the Internet. In the third, are the main editors of conceptual maps available free on the web and provides a comparison between them. Finally, we analyze the web sites of publishers to determine their degree of implementation in accordance with the positioning to get on the Internet and include the general conclusions.

This research has been conducted by the Group DigiDoc within the project "Semantic Web and document information systems, the Ministry of Education HUM2004-03162/FILO and Science (2004-2007). Source

concept maps and psychological theory

The origin of concept maps to be placed in the work of Joseph D. Novak made in the mid sixties of last century, in the context of a research project on the psychology of learning. Novak (1982, 1984, 1988) investigating children's learning in school, based on the theories of Ausubel (1989) and created the concept maps as a tool to visualize the type of lessons learned. Novak did not think of any Internet time, among other reasons because the network did not exist. It was then when you have seen the usefulness of these maps to facilitate access to information in digital environments.

Interestingly, some basic principles of learning theory of Ausubel which gave rise to the concept maps. The fundamental idea of \u200b\u200bthis author is based on the concept of meaningful learning , understood as learning in which the student relates new concepts to concepts already familiar in contexts that also dominates. Thus, there is an overall sense of knowledge acquired. This type of learning is conscious and substantially different from rote learning, based on recall phrases implying a true comprensióny assimilation of concepts. Meaningful learning is stored in long-term memory, whereas rote learning is stored in short-term memory. Ausubel

mentions three conditions that must occur to produce meaningful learning in the context of a training activity:

  • The information has to be learned must be presented in a conceptually clear so you can relate to student's prior knowledge.
  • The student must have prior knowledge that they can relate new information that has to learn.
  • The student must take the decision to learn significantly.

On the other hand, Ausubel believes that the human faculty of memory is not a passive recipient to be filled, but a complex set of interrelated systems and restructure must be fed constantly.

Concept maps graphically can express relationships between concepts and thus show how an individual interrelated concepts I already knew the concepts that have been taught. Based on this principle, Ausubel concept maps used as an indicator to determine if a student had learned significantly and as a tool to assess how similar content had been organized.

Concept maps A concept map is a graphical representation of a set of interrelated concepts. This is a graphic that shows a set of ideas (concepts) and relations established between them. The ultimate goal is to capture graphically the conceptual structure of the map that the author has about the subject depicted.

According to Novak, a concept map consists of concepts and linking phrases. The concepts are represented within a rectangle and the linking phrases labeled line linking one concept with another showing the relationship established between them. Link phrases are not framed in a rectangle to differentiate the concepts.

Typically, concepts are expressed with a noun or noun phrase. The linking phrases are usually prepositions, adverbs, conjunctions and verb phrases.

[...] [Continues ]

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Rosetta Stone Rsd Play

Six Spanish universities team up to launch a search engine Internet that responds to direct questions

Source: El País , 08/04/2007
Url document: http://www.elpais . com / ...

Researchers from the universities of Alicante (UA), Barcelona, \u200b\u200bJaén, UNED and the Polytechnic University of Valencia and Catalonia designed a new Internet browser will attempt to increase the effectiveness of the consultations to provide simple answers to specific questions, compared to the current model, which simply provides listings pages web.

The principal investigator, Patricio Martinez Barco, and the director of Group Language Processing and Information Systems , Manuel Palomar, both from the AU, explained that the project is Text-Mess funded with one million euros within the National Plan for R & D, and which began last October, with a term of three years. For Martinez Barco, a growing Internet information overload, some studies estimate that more than 200,000 million page-causes that have become "obsolete" the current search engines.

The project aims to define a new generation search engine capable of finding "the need behind each query," adds the researcher, to offer specialized services and links to the type of demand. Thus, it is intended that, for example, Internet users interested in knowing the height of the Eiffel Tower to automatically obtain the number of meters and the source of data origin and not, as so far, a list of thousands of pages where you can get to try to discover the solution.

English Computer engineers involved in Text-Mess integrated document search (web pages) to multimedia (images, audio and video) and database . Another novelty of this project is to give a bigger role to European languages \u200b\u200bagainst the English. Thus, the form of art will enter variables in European languages \u200b\u200band get the answer in the same language but the information can be extracted from a page written in a different web. Scientists working for the browser is operating in French, Italian, German, Bulgarian, Romanian, Czech, Finnish, Russian, English, Valencian and Catalan, will be extended into other languages.