Saturday, February 23, 2008

Un Processed Cocoa Powder

The new generation of search engines based on natural language processing

Author: José Ramón Pérez Agüera (*)
Source: IweTel (17/05/2007) / Thinkepi
Url document: / ...

(*) Dept. of Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence, School of Computing, University Complutense of Madrid

In the past year we have seen flourish across a range of new engines which charac common acoustic has been the integration of language processing techniques naturally in the search process.

The two defenses of this new trend are Powerset [1] and Hakia [2], behind which met the creme of the creme Natural Language Processing to achieve a new leap in quality in the evolution of web browsers.

The idea of \u200b\u200bintegrating linguistic knowledge in search engines is not new at all, and since the 90's, if not earlier, have been repeated attempts to implement search engines that go beyond counting maso less complicated frequency words. The most resounding failure in this regard was undoubtedly an attempt to Ellen Voorhees, back in 1993, using Wordnet, a huge database with semantic information, to expand the user queries.

The results of this experiment, as seen in his paper [3] are quite stark, and since then, beyond the specific studies whose results have been inconclusive, the use of natural language RECOVERY No information has been relegated to the rather trivial application of techniques such as stemming and disposal of empty words.

The reason for this new resurgence of the Natural Language search engine environment corresponds in part to a natural cycle, typical of any scientific discipline, where old ideas are tested from new approaches. But it is also a matter of marketing, where new seekers trying to enter the market by selling the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving a revolutionary new technology that far outweigh the current focus of the major search engines.

From the scientific point of view, the lion is not as fierce as they paint, and like Powerset and Hakia are put to work leading researchers in Natural Language Processing, Google, Yahoo and Microsoft have been working also in this direction.

The conclusion we can draw from this is that although the inclusion of natural language search engines is without doubt one of the lines of future work to improve not only the quality of the results seekers but also their ability and interaction with users, much remains to be done in this regard and is rare that no new browser to unseat Google simply because it uses natural processing techniques.

In this regard, we must be aware that the marriage for money on Google in 1998 was related to entry into a virtually untouched market backed by strong economic investment with a decisive technological advantage because without underestimating the importance of PageRank is important to remember that they were not the only ones who used a link analysis algorithm.

Despite all this, it is worth continuing the progress made in this regard, both those who come from overseas, as they develop here in Spain, for example, caused by companies like Bitext, lest one day we surprised by the wonders that are language able to make the American search engines without knowing that we have around here is a English company that makes possible such wonders.



[3] Voorhees, EM 1993. Using WordNet to disambiguate word senses for text retrieval. In Proceedings of the 16th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in information Retrieval (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, June 27 - July 01, 1993). R. Korfhage, E. Rasmussen, and P. Willett, Eds. SIGIR '93. ACM Press, New York, NY, 171-180. DOI = / 160688.160715

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Milani Denise Hard Core

Tutorial on Ontology

Authors: Jesus Contreras, Juan Antonio Martínez Comeche
Source: SEDIC
document Url : ...

Following the workshop on Ontologies and Recovery of information, organized by the group Normaweb of SEDIC , developed in the School of Information Science of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid in September, Jesus Contreras and Juan Antonio Martí nez-Comeche have written a tutorial that summarizes the highlights were analyzed:

  • Ontologies, semantic web informacióny recovery
  • Concept and classification
  • Main advantages and disadvantages Terminology
  • ontology development methodologies
  • editing tools
  • Protégé installation and functioning of
  • Steps for the development of ontologies using Competency Questions

[Start tutorial]

Purpose of the Ontology: Semantic Web

The current web is essentially a huge set of pages that contain unstructured text, ie text whose contents we have not bothered to characterize. Basically we have limited ourselves to reviewing the way it should display such content, as evidenced by the nature of HTML tags . This simplicity has helped, no doubt, the success of the current web and justifies its enormous growth in number of pages and users, but at the same time creates problems and difficulties of managing and retrieving such a huge amount of information.

Human beings are unable to control the information that at a given time may be useful to us concerning an information need among the millions of existing pages on the web, especially when changes are occurring at the same breakneck speed. In fact, it is estimated that 40% of the network is changed monthly. In such circumstances, we have developed search engines that help us decide which pages can include information relevant to a problem either. But since the textual information from the web site is not structured in that it is not described or characterized in some way, the algorithms search engines can only be based on the appearance of the words taken in isolation.

This leads, of course, lack of precision and completeness results. Lack of precision in the results because we are a search engine presents pages that have no relation to our information need. This happens, for example, when words have several meanings. If you look for the word bank will get pages about banks, but tambiéna type of seat. Similarly, the lack of completeness can come caused, among other reasons, the use of a synonym in one page instead of the word used in the query. In this case, the page will not be recovered as it contains strictly the word entered in the search.

addition, search engines provide links to documents that could be useful for the user, but are not able to provide the specific answer you are looking for on many occasions. If a person looks cheaper cars from dealers in a particular geographical area, today the user must take many hours comparing information from various dealers that a search engine has previously provided.

Another problem with the web today is the lack of reliability of sources. The user has no Evidence on the accuracy and reliability of the data contained in the websites retrieved.

Evolution Site designed by Tim Berners-Lee is to solve the problems raised in the preceding paragraphs. Just imagine a website where the content. the site is characterized and described in such a way that is able to discern the different meanings of words, can infer the existence of synonymy relationships between words in a thematic context, so as to be able to recover Pá useful pages regarding the information need of User although they do not appear explicitly entered words in the query, or be able to compare data and information from various sources, make inferences and logical deductions from them to show directly the information you seek , we were (the nearest dealer with the cars cheaper, for example). Even that was capable of making judgments about the reliability of the data in the various sites and consider only the most truthful answer, discarding the least reliable.

Tim Berners-Lee has called Semantic Web Site where applications will be able to make the information processing much deeper. This site is characterized by programs that can "understand" the content of web pages, and therefore, to relate the information contained on today isolated, and processing, to discriminate the most reliable one time, and even deduce or infer information not previously recorded, making decisions with a degree of autonomy.

For these applications and services more "intelligent" as possible is necessary for the information web pages are structured, that is, well described and classified so that its exact meaning is available to machines. Thus computers can handle and process information properly. Hence the name of the Semantic Web.

The way has been devised to encode the meanings of the information contained in web pages is the use of labels that specify the semantic value or the correct interpretation of the contents. Thus, a number may indicate, according to circumstances, a price, a long añoo. Its precise meaning will be specified in each case by the presence of a label.

marking and annotation of web content should be done according to rules and formats, otherwise it would be impossible for the effective manipulation of information by computers. First, a consistent framework involves the pre-structuring of the domain that is represented, describing the main entities that compose it, its nature jerarquíay relations between them. Secondly, you must take care that all users employ accepted formats, because if it exist several sets of tags and is not seeking a method to ensure their joint operation, all efforts would be futile.

Compliance with certain standards needed to develop consistent labeling of web content is the creation of ontologies on the domain or area of \u200b\u200bknowledge that we wish to represent semantically. Consequently, ontologies are the primary means to achieve the goal of the Semantic Web, to facilitate the formal definition of entities and concepts in different domains, the hierarchy that sustains them and the different relationships that bind together. Thus guarantee a formal representation readable by machines based on a common language - XML \u200b\u200b - that can be shared and used by any system automatically.

No less important than the technological challenges and formalism is the challenge of explotacióny use of the semantic web. Making a comparison with the current web, which witnessed its peak as it outlined new business models are outlined here some possibilities and visions on the types of semantic web applications.

The semantic web technology offers the possibility to build content and complete formal semantic models based on consensus. The existence of these models allows the functionalities offered by these systems covering, inter alia, the following applications:

  • Information retrieval by semantic search engines, semantic search, unlike traditional keyword-based, "working with the meaning of words according to the underlying model ensuring 100% accuracy in searches. The result presented to the user becomes the information requested in the form of model concepts, instead of possibly related documents, as do modern browser.
  • Publication of information according to the model. The navegacióny the presentation of information may be made according to their content so that users can visualize the concepts model and query concepts regardless of the documents on the system.
  • The presence of the model allows the incorporation of Intelligent Interfaces such as those based on natural language. The ability to formulate queries in natural language close to ensure the usability of the final system.
  • inference system and completeness of information . On the basis of the axioms of the semantic web models can validate and augment the information by automated inference systems.
  • Information Exchange a specific application formats. The ability to translate the information formats of other applications, such as educational applications, increases the profitability of the coding itself. Currently the cost of doing business in heterogeneous systems is compatible with 30% of all industry spending on information technology.

[Continue tutorial ] ( PDF, 172 Kb)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

How Long Will Epididymitis Last If Untreated

The ten keys to the social web

Author: José Antonio Merlo Vega (*)

(*) Member of Thinkepi
Professor at the University of Salamanca: http://exlibris.usal. com / merlo

The social web or Web 2.0 is a phenomenon that is affecting both the different areas of human activity . The new site is present in social relations, economics, communication, administration, education, the culture ... No area is beyond the scope of the Internet for new generacióny much less those in which management information is the basis of their professional practice. During 2007 there have been several publications of interest to analyze the social web and its impact on information centers. In order of appearance, the works of Farkas (1), Casey and Savastinuk (2), Bradley (3), Courtney (4) and Stephens (5) were published in this Anoy in all applications studied 2.0 in libraries and information units. In Spain, the only professional journals have devoted special attention to the issue have been the case volume of the information professional (6) and Educacióny library (7), whose dossier on "Libraries and social web 'was lucky to coordinate and which were published ten contributions that allow teoríay contextualize the practice of participation technologies in libraries. In the article that opened the monograph, systematized into ten categories of social web technologies, in addition to group classes in ten applications of these tools in the information centers. In this note Thinkepi back to resort to the dozen to offer the features that explain the success of the social web. This is a learning process without further claims that those due to popularization. In my opinion, there are ten principles that define the social web:

1. The browser as a tool. The social web is primarily web, so that their systems and applications are based in markup languages. CCS XHTML or XML are the foundations of this technology, so that from any browser can access the web 2.0 services. The new Internet does not annul the previous one, but complements and improves the decision should be based and what it is. 2.0 The label implies an evolution, but you can keep talking about the web, without qualification, an Internet development, where opportunities for participation are the main novelty.

2. Cooperation as a method. The group is important and the social web of recognition. Social technologies are designed to open information architectures that allow join the opinions and behaviors of all are taken into account. In the new Internet are working in a distributed manner, but through direct relationships, which are reflected in actions such as the joint construction of content online or in the ability to post comments external pages. It is the consideration of collective intelligence.

3. Interoperability as a foundation. Participation technologies employed by the social web enable tool integration. Systems Programming as AJAX or markup languages \u200b\u200bprovide the ability to share code, play in particular sites external content or interface with applications running on remote servers. APIs, the 'mashups', the 'widgets' or association are examples of this principle. The use of common protocols, standardized metadata and open architectures explain the undeniable success of the social web.

4. The simple guidelines. The social web has simplified the most of the publishing. The ease of creating and maintaining blogs or wikis, favorite web-development, dissemination personal profiles on social networks, to name a few examples, are actions that require little expertise. To share files, redistribute resources, news filtered or integrated into web services outside themselves need not be an expert. The popularity of social web services are largely due to the paucity of knowledge required.

5. Labeling as a system. Digital information has the characteristic of being able to include information about itself. The social web tools used descriptions by users, which are exchanged automatically, networking llevarána terms that similar information, with the added value that the widespread use of a term will involve a significant amount of digital resources in whose description has been used. Metadata schemas and microformats, or the inclusion of tags in social applications are crucial to share semantic information, which is to share digital resources.

6. Participation as a principle. In the social web information is shared. Personal data are disseminated in social networks. Social software enables being valued resources and are labeled according to the opinion of those who employ them. Filtering systems allow content considered interesting stand out from those generated in a period of time, in a medium or on a topic. Favorites shared, social shopping and valuation systems that are offered as a result users who set the quality or utility of resources. The technologies allow cooperation resulting in the collaboration of users through their contributions, their behaviors and opinions.

7. The variety and achievement. The social web does not support limits, as there is a wide variety of demonstrations. Services informacióny diverse applications can be categorized as Web 2.0. Since the purchase of products from suppliers that take into account the tastes, actions and habits of users to services where you can tag information through the file storage server, in which related documents regardless of their origin, all can be classified as 2.0. A reference service based on user responses is social web. An application that can integrate into a page digital daily news, please contact the same e-mail or using office tools, it is also web 2.0.

8. Customization as possible. The user decides how to use the technology of participation, what services are useful and under what terms and conditions will use them. The adaptation of applications, development of interface tools, the use of external content by means of the insertion sindicaciónoa code, the use of 'widgets' to the integration of external information resources (maps, temperature, dictionaries, news, etc..) are different pieces that employ user based on their creativity and their needs. The technologies are the same, the services, too, resources, identical, but the user can identify at their discretion and convenience.

9. Experimentation as the norm. Nothing is eternal in the social web. The renovation of the results is constant updates, permanent developments, daily. This is the continuous beta, as they call this feature of the Internet 2.0. Advanced technologies and offer new possibilities. Services adopting the new technology and adapt them to their goals. Users who use the social web are aware of the constant renewal of resources and the consequent potential for improvement which represent, so they expect and accept the changes permanent.

10. The lack of interest as base. The social character of the new site also includes search as a defining element of the common good. Technologies are open, as are the resources. It starts with the lack of commercial intent, generosity or altruism in the use of applications, services and information. The communities of free software and open access initiatives for scientific information are in tune with the sharing of resources that enable the social web technologies. 2.0 The Internet also has a commercial side, but usually does not affect the general user, but companies that want to target specific sectors, meet and communicate with them directly and relevant.

I am aware that the synthesis is done in this decalogue ignores concepts that have been edited to suit the purpose of Thinkepi texts, but the subsequent debates that often accompany these notes ayudarána address the gaps and inaccuracies that may be incurred. My intention, I repeat, not the establishment of theses, but the dissemination of the principles of which like to call the technologies of participation.


(1) Farkas, Meredith. Social Software in Libraries: Building Collaboration, Communication, and Community Online. Medford: Information Today, 2007.

(2) Casey, Michael E.; Savastinuk, Laura C. Library 2.0: A Guide to
Participatory Libray Services. Medford: Information Today, 2007.

(3) Bradley, Phil. How to Use Web 2.0. in Your Library. London: Facet
Publishing, 2007.

(4) Courtney, Nancy (ed.). Library 2. 0 and Beyond: Innovative
Technologies and Tomorrow's User. Westport: Libraries Unlimited, 2007.

(5) Stephens, Michael. Web 2.0 & Libraries, part 2: trends and
technologies. Chicago: ALA Techsource, 2007.

(6) El profesional de la información. Marzo/Abril 2007, vol. 16, n. 2. Web 2.0: blogs, participation and Lib 2.0. Summary available at: .

(7) Educacióny library. September / October 2007, n. 161. Libraries and social web. Summary available at: .

Friday, February 15, 2008

Dental Reception Cover Letter

ANV claims the Civil Guard was historical documents in the record of their locations

Source: Gara, 15/02/2008
Url document: ...

spokesman EAE-ANV in Barakaldo, Txiki Brown, has today reported that registration conducted last Tuesday by Civil Guard officers in the headquarters of the training took documents that are part of the historical memory of the party.

Appearing before the media, Brown has stated that "on Tuesday, Barakaldo, has revived the dictatorship with a device of the Civil Guard impedíaa neighbors access to their homes in a standardized manner."

"The goal was to make a cultural and historical plundering that lasted from 20.00 pm to 2.30 am. Searched the premises of which took documents that are part of the historical memory ANV, Barakaldo and Euskal Herria and do not know if one day we can recover, "he added.


According to the mayor, this is a file together" for years "through the recovery of" numerous "documents scattered through private sources, archives of Salamanca or Madrid.

Gudaris shot,

battalions ..." Among other things, documents that collect data battalion, the identity of gudaris ekintzales killed in combat or executed by the fascists, of great value, ANV venues throughout its history, all types of printed propaganda from birth. A wealth usurped by the dictatorship and today, through the Civil Guard is us, again, caught, "he criticized.

Brown recalled that his group has" more " 75-year history and added that "we fight against the fascist uprising gudaris providing various battalions and against the Franco regime, were founders of Herri Batasuna and have obtained hundreds of representatives in the elections of May 2007 ".

In this sense, he considered that EAE-ANV is an actor" must to understand and interpret the future of the Basque people "and, therefore, has warned that" the disappearance of documents cited, Euskal Herria involves depriving a vital historical source. "

Monday, February 11, 2008

Occupational Therapy Soap Note Sample

What, we started the street?

Author: Thomas Karrera Juarros (*)
Source: La Haine , 11/02/2008
Url document: ...

(*) Councilman Thomas Karrera Juarros is in Irun and

degree in history History is replete with examples of progressive movements that were not converted revolutionaries lose the historic opportunity for political change and new systems immerse the reactionaries.

the news has come that we did not want to hear. The suspension of activities EHAK and ANV. The news we were expecting a pending execution before a firing squad. The political check insures more years of suffering, which plunges us into the illegal pro-independence parties and constraining both the body's democratic political system that he dies of suffocation. In a supervised democracy imprisoned democracy. Again, a trip to the times of censorship, lack of freedom of expression of political freedom to choose ... It was the Franco regime. The Spain a great and free. ANV was illegal and the PSOE defended the right of self-determination ...

History is replete with examples of progressive movements to become revolutionaries not lose the historic opportunity for political change and new systems immerse the reactionaries. The English transition is an example of cancer that has eaten all political forces that supported the formula to change something so that nothing changes: PSOE, PNV, IU are dead emptied by the embrace of the Franco regime. The state has imposed its rules. Spain should be a great and free to anyone who accepts these principles. And in his defense and achievement, the executive, judicial and legislative branches are one and triune. Holy Trinity made flesh.

We know that bigotry and injustice our vast campaign by Basque brains, our objective is to break the coexistence of men and women of the Basque Country. He says the city of my people, which claims to continue to deepen the values \u200b\u200bof peace and tolerance in the memory and continued respect for the victims of terrorism. And still keeps a respectful silence for the victims of the fascists, who in 1936 massacred the poblacióny city reduced to rubble.

In times of Franco, democracy was in a low voice of everyone else. Today, democracy is a thing of many few. Some who live in the story, some stories that have some negotiating permanent destruction, some who buy trains and high-speed aircraft, some of which sell weapons or suffering according to the highest bidder of time, some of which are standardized on behalf of ... And all with their own speakers, press freedom call, although four companies who manage the business of the Democratic cry that reaches to the heavens. Meanwhile, the silent majority remains silent, serving the trash TV talk as if you life depended on it. And the sad thing is that just die and consume the years.

The difference between the silent majority of the times of Franco and the present lies in its attitude. Before you wake up to the obvious deception, now somatize at the evidence of deception. Perhaps

therefore stayed few of the other, a few protesters and maintain the utopia of a better future, a few who were demonstrating against the war, few who advocate a greener lifestyle, some few cooperating against economic inequality in the world, a few who oppose infrastructure condemning to death the planet, a few who are fighting to save the identity of the indigenous peoples of the five continents. All these few, better to be silent. Required by state tax law and the values \u200b\u200bof peace and tolerance in force.

In times of Franco, some and some utopian I yelled to the race. Had to run to be stopped. Now maybe the same thing does not happen? At that time, nobody claimed democracy. Probably because the system self-proclaimed Democrat. Organic democracy, they called it. Therefore, we yelled "Askatasuna", "independentzia ',' Amnesty 'which were the essence liberating. Freedom to choose, in their own country, not political prisoners.

Today, the lack of democratic freedoms, political dialogue and tolerance have been disguised rule of law. You stop and imprison you with more ease and lightness in the very times of Franco. If not, compare the sentences for doing graffiti or breaking windows of a bank under Franco and today. Not to mention the trip to the capital of the kingdom and more than likely you cakes lining the road endin. At that time the ration was the same hosts. You got them here and in Martutene curabas, Pamplona, \u200b\u200bNanclares or Basauri. Today priests in Madrid and I replaced in Extremadura and Andalusia.

Then we had some games

accepted and others illegally. We have not advanced much. And to top it bluntly regression has begun. Batasuna, first. EHAK and ANV now. Which party will be next? The political debate space gets smaller and it is supersospechoso Ibarretxe.

However, the authenticity, the identity of being, always in political action, not in speeches. Beyond words today are days when it's up to citizens take to the streets to keep running, keep screaming, to keep smiling, because the arrests and imprisonment are the hope of change. To move forward tomorrow comes fast.