Saturday, July 31, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Bf Goodrich Riken Raptor
Gerardo Paralizabal
La Celada
La Celada
The maximum house of studies in UJAT Tabasco, has remained in the eye of the hurricane, causes an address own perverse and sick, that undoubtedly lead surrounding the Candita Gil, who because of their relatives, has been involved in real scandals, which highlight the sexual harassment Lisbet Fanny student against the traffic cards to college, faculty layoffs unrelated to their political influence peddling to make appointments pelafustanes that the overnight become professors and heads of divisions up , flagrant violation of the union ranks, political compromise and more, but what is striking is the blatant way in which the leadership team, attacks the current administration officials Granierista, filtering information and inducing young people to get involved in state's internal politics, but as destabilizing and see that:
a couple of months ago, the offices public relations, who heads Pedro de la O better known as "The Cabbage" were outside the house of government secretary Humberto Mayans Canabal, where he received the plump and mannered subject to all the journalists who remains on the payroll, while many were ordered to beat Mayans, not to the Governor Granier, you wonder where he got reports did this disgusting subject homosexual? Well, dear reader simple, Ladino Cabbage de la O, held captive to the security guards, who are responsible for safeguarding the government's home secretary, who handed them cash on hand, but on condition that it be kept informed official activities and his wife, cabbage always maintained the view that is watched by Mayans Canabal, but it seems that the aporcinado subject, suffering from paranoia, and in no way is important, he plays the role of cat-and-through tongue Perversely, she has managed to slip through, since previously the second of that office until he succeeded to unseat his former boss, which attacked as the butch and perverted. Dirty tricks this guy does, is not so serious about this new feature is that it has on past, like the time to orchestrate an event in the university theater, a group of young fully identified by its proximity to the, lash the Andres Granier, insulting him and telling him everything, so that the agent legs had to go out between the mother boos and insults, this incident logically lead callus on Candita, who to date have been blamed for the mastermind of the event, but the story does not end there, as the "Cabbage de la O" who directs the student community of facebbok, reviled against the current administration, with a view to the leadership will be nominated as a candidate for municipal office center, many shady dealings that this disgusting subject remains inside the UJAT, including frontal war against Professor Piña Gutiérrez, who hates that is supposed to be governing if Mayans reaches the governor and who informed us that it is stealing resources from the university, which has invested them in his ranch, where he has a food plant, mechanized crops, plants and animals, they have been purchased with funds from the UJAT, but are invested in their property back in the directions to a village in the municipality of Jalapa, Tabasco. We are investigating the matter thoroughly and our sources tell us that the information actually is leaking Pedro de la O nickname Cabbage is real, as was used agricultural machinery of the state government to introduce technology professor at the ranch and Piña Gutiérrez planted some leguminous plants, which are the base of the food being processed in the same property, confidential information, Pedro de la O put it in an envelope would be delivered to one of his friends journalists from the benefiting more than 50 thousand dollars a month, unfortunately the envoy was to deliver this on the lost and destination boutonnieres ended up in the wrong hands. So, how are you gruesome actions, which from its offices in the colony nestled Magisterial order this whelp, it would also be worthwhile to list the way it became nouveau riche, because when I enter as a lackey of Santos Fajardo rector at the time of Fredy Priego, carrying some shirts all bleached soled shoes with no bowling apart and check every day and moving in its democratic combi today is a great man who used linen guayabera shirts, shoes of three thousand dollars, rolex watches and has more than two vehicles own agency, what a story to tell that it would be worth the leadership read it, because there are characters surti him of false invoices, same as the filling for large quantities, but will return with more on this subject which has already turned up the same as the shrimp to the head.
.... Now we Narcos
Unfortunately when someone says something, but this is accompanied by evidence, annoys many people, who through cowardice, fear and lambisconería, pseudonyms respond to accusations of those who would kill order el hambre, claro de frente jamás lo harán, no tienen valor, por ello sus ataques son infundados y faltos de credibilidad, son pues los llamados perros del sistema, los orquestadores de las guerras sucias, parte de la escoria periodística que goza con sus perversidades, pero que sus logros no puede compartirlos con nadie, pues los hacen en la tenebra, son reptiles ponzoñosos que pican y se esconden y siempre vivirán así, arrastrándose y escondiéndose por temor a ser descubiertos, pero aun así sabemos quienes son, pues cometen el error de ser repetitivos, con decirles que muchos se esconden en la religión y son las peores alimañas, los tenemos detectados y créanlo nos causan lastima, hacen cartas de familiares deaths where the same government secretary have offended and if the government secretary wants to know who is the mastermind of this class of publications, we will gladly hair and signs, that paradoxically, this garbage blufea the Mayans said the group . The new attack which certainly told me a few minutes after having dropped by internet, is in the sense that this columnist is a drug dealer, but I sell drugs in jajajaja fertilizers and not as the depraved individual who wields the Bible as a weapon profit, said anonymously that I own several houses of prostitution and turns black in fon describe me as a whole organized crime boss, go I think that not even in their heyday alcapone, was as powerful as the pastor of the devil tries to describe, I reiterate what Mr. Humberto Mayans said Canabal, I tell couples who are insulting to all without distinction with letters from dead relatives and people posing as you, I tell and hold it against those two, because I have proof and I have known for many years. If such is the envy, if so much hatred, why not head to clarify what this columnist, you know why? Why are a couple of rats cowards who are shaking their legs with just see us bills and we know that come the day of reckoning, but face not hidden .... thank in their publication of this pair of outcasts, which said they will not mix with any doctor, teacher or aspiring mayor, notes that despite their attacks respect me, because I know I will not forgive when I can. Here is the link that these sick minds did the favor of hanging on yotube and which promoted me more.
Continuing CROP looting in the secretary of health by an outlaw who is language stumbles, his brother is determined to attack us who was a servant of our house, is the mastermind of the publications against Arturo Nunez, poor deluded idiot alcohol has it, has spent years selling UJAT certificates, weapons, drugs and social communication charging and still lives at home leaning against persons, to evade the payment of light saying in civil resistance, then the data we see that continuing its war effort ... We returned the invoices to cabbage is a millionaire and his planned wedding.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Mary J Blige Hair - Wigs
sister exhibits leading to official facebook
Gerardo Paralizabal
you check this link of the wall of the "Great leadership"
http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1806223502 # / profile.php? Id = 100000610835166 & v = wall & ref = ts
sister exhibits leading to official facebook
Gerardo Paralizabal
social networks like Facebook and twters are trendy and that this innovation is fantastic, because surfers can have direct contact characters, since it is impossible to personally see much less talk to them, this new mode certainly revolutionize communication system in which each individual, virtually becomes an informant for what happens at the same time of echo with this better than the news agency that there, because there are millions who access these sites, the idea with which to start this project is precisely to be reported, but like everything else that has a good start along the path is diverted and today this method is to become a multipurpose tool, from politics, claims, complaints, to show women and men for emotional issues in these practices no one escapes, let's see what happens in the state of Tabasco the rector of the Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco Candita Victoria Gil, who in his facebook wall exhibits a Marisol Bravo removed Nemer husbands sister Salvador Bravo Nemer director of television TVT Tabasco, on the wall can be seen that there is a photo of Marisol Bravo with the legend "Fox seeks husband Marisol Bravo Nemer" This photo was labeled by Alejandro de la Fuente at leading Wall Candita Gil Jiménez, dated June 2 and is still hanging on the wall, contributing to the strategy to showcase the director's sister TVT, you will wonder why a lead, lends these actions as embarrassing as it is to be fighting husbands, the answer is simple, they are friends of drunkenness and to leave no doubt, will exhibit the photographs in this issue where leadership, this ingesting liquor with the spiteful Alejandra de la Fuente in one of his many pachangas, where never fails to attend the god Bacchus. Rumors say that the chancellor through his spokesman Pedro de la O, is the one who keeps attacks against government officials of the state in Facebook, for which the media manager to recruit an army of students, which benefits from qualifications to do the dirty work against Humberto Mayans Canabal, who see a great potential to become governor, but everything has a reason and that is the rector of the UJAT, is first cousin of Senator Arturo Nunez Jimenez, and the link between them is Mr. Pablo Ibáñez's nephew and head of offices gestaría the senator who constantly meets in the evenings at his home in Hidalgo street in the center of the city, where both strategies plotted to attack Canabal Mayans, whose main weapon of social networks, we also know that Peter O , distributes thousands of dollars to youth outside the university, to join the project to discredit Mayans as Granier is not your goal because they know that the gobernadorcete of yore, no worth it or take it into account, which represents nothing and nobody, is a puppet who only learned to whine like a girl when you pull on the matted hair and one speech is contingency, reconstruction and "Love of tabasco." As you will appreciate dear reader, what we say loo back it with evidence, why are not well regarded by the current administration and saying things back, keeps us in mortal danger because of constant threats, are still arriving daily . It is unfortunate that the highest institution of Tabasco this study led by a patient with alcoholism, that to please your friends, participate in publicly insult to honor the ladies of society, Do you think this is worth? Tabasco is not just an orphan of good government, so the value and dignity, how can we send our children to explore a career, if the President is all a vulgar and despicable? But with the mafia around him led by the perverted homosexual Pedro de la O, who married a humble secretary Cunduacan, which I had to buy a sedan car to take him, but when he got his role as change name, all he did, to show that if a man, but in reality is that not even dare to come out, because with the handling of thousands of dollars he has, has the touch of several young boys gifted, that do transported to the horns of the moon between groans, music and magic dust passages.
you check this link of the wall of the "Great leadership"
http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1806223502 # / profile.php? Id = 100000610835166 & v = wall & ref = ts
orders are starting to hit the professor Piña Gutiérrez, as Pedro de la O nickname "The Cabbage" Candita apparently told him that Piña Gutiérrez will be the next president because of its proximity to Humberto Mayans, remember that they are from the same colony Jesus Garcia and Pina's father was a doctor and friend of the father of Humberto Mayans, and the pack that comes with "The Cabbage" begin destroy the image of Piña Gutiérrez from reaching a rectory and to make an audit of Candita that put behind bars ... returned.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Phycologist For Cerebral Palsy
Juarez Autonoma de Tabasco
At the formal meeting who led the MPES Maria Isabel Zapata Vázquez, Secretary of the UJAT Academic Services, on 07 this month and year at 13:00 with the community of teachers of the Academic Division of Basic Sciences in relation to the issue of Call for admission to the school February to August 2010, where we explained graphically the behavior of the entry fees for degree Basic Division. During
explanatory part of the Master Zapata Vázquez and disagreements on the part of us teachers, it emerged that one of the reasons that led to the fall in income students in the four degrees that are taught in the Academic Division of Basic Sciences, is the lack of projects for the Dissemination of Bachelor in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Computer Science. However, the Master said Zapata Vázquez from Dean and Secretary of Academic Services has been permanently unconditional support to carry out outreach activities for all degrees that exist in the UJAT.
Master Zapata also said Vazquez about two years ago I informed the Director Rogelio Carlos Beltran and his coordinator Mohamed Teaching Can MC Jorge Enrique Valle, of the critical situation what is happening with the Division of Basic tuition for low income students from the four degrees. The Community of teachers were surprised by concealment of information and no action on the part of the two main administrative account for income and educational process of the Division.
Among the disagreements and manifestos that emerged from fellow teachers of different degrees in chemistry, physics, mathematics and computer science are the lack of support for conventions, Olympics and forums. Taking advantage of this time, Dr. Jorge Alejandro Bernal Arroyo said that in 2008, the Director Carlos Rogelio MC Moha Beltran denied financial support to a group of students from the Degree in physics they have to submit research papers in physics conference held in the City of Zacatecas, arguing that the Research and Graduate Studies had no money, however Dr. Victor Castellanos Vargas, former director of the DIP clarified that was not true that there was no money to support such an event, so if you remember is that the request for help did come out of time.
Later a group of physics teachers led by Dr. Manuel Alejandro Acosta, informed Zapata Vázquez Master at the end of 2008 submitted at the disposal of the teacher Candita Victoria Gil Jimenez, a graduate physics project which to date had not been given, the Master Vázquez Zapata replied that this project had been reviewed and approved, and simultaneously notified to the Academic Division of Basic Sciences, directly its Director M: C. Carlos Rogelio Beltrán Moha for approximately six months. Information that was withheld by the administration of the Academic Division of Basic Sciences, bringing as a detriment and a lack of permanent diffuser degree in physics.
Almost at the end of the meeting called for intervention by the Castilian Dr. Victor Vargas, Former Director of Research and Graduate Studies, telling the community of teachers that the Director Carlos Rogelio Beltrán Moha not attend several important meetings held by the dip, although he spoke by telephone on several occasions when they held each meeting, said by Dr . Víctor Vargas Castilian was confirmed immediately by the teacher Maria Isabel Zapata Vázquez, Secretary of Academic Services of the UJAT.
Moreover, the MC Director Rogelio Carlos Beltran to Moha never deigned to tell us what are the benchmarks against which we must work well in teaching and research.
After this meeting we really know who the guilty you want to take the decision to ban the supply of graduate taught in the Academic Division of Basic Sciences, and they are: Carlos Rogelio Beltrán MC Mohamed, Director of the Division and MC Jorge Enrique Valle Can, Coordinator of Teaching same.
addition to the above, please note that the actions, procedures and decisions will be made by presidents of each of the academies of the degrees that are in the Academic Division of Basic Sciences, while we continue as Director and Coordinator of the above mentioned, these administrative cases no longer exist for the community of teachers of the Academic Division of Basic Sciences.
We believe the most healthy for all who ask for his resignation is the Director Carlos Rogelio Beltrán Moha and Teaching Coordinator Jorge Enrique Valle Can. We
the resignation of the Director Rogelio Carlos Beltran Moha MC and MC Teaching Coordinator Jorge Enrique Valle Can, for withholding information relevant to bank the teacher decides to annihilate Candita Gil Jiménez semester admission of Basic Sciences Academic Division Basic Sciences.
also ask the media to make an appointment at the premises of the academic division of basic sciences, where professors and students want to do a press conference, This may be in the early hours of Wednesday October 14, 2009.
expect a favorable response, and we took to send a cordial greeting.
Cunduacán, Tabasco. At October 9, 2009
Juarez Autonoma de Tabasco
At the formal meeting who led the MPES Maria Isabel Zapata Vázquez, Secretary of the UJAT Academic Services, on 07 this month and year at 13:00 with the community of teachers of the Academic Division of Basic Sciences in relation to the issue of Call for admission to the school February to August 2010, where we explained graphically the behavior of the entry fees for degree Basic Division. During
explanatory part of the Master Zapata Vázquez and disagreements on the part of us teachers, it emerged that one of the reasons that led to the fall in income students in the four degrees that are taught in the Academic Division of Basic Sciences, is the lack of projects for the Dissemination of Bachelor in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Computer Science. However, the Master said Zapata Vázquez from Dean and Secretary of Academic Services has been permanently unconditional support to carry out outreach activities for all degrees that exist in the UJAT.
Master Zapata also said Vazquez about two years ago I informed the Director Rogelio Carlos Beltran and his coordinator Mohamed Teaching Can MC Jorge Enrique Valle, of the critical situation what is happening with the Division of Basic tuition for low income students from the four degrees. The Community of teachers were surprised by concealment of information and no action on the part of the two main administrative account for income and educational process of the Division.
Among the disagreements and manifestos that emerged from fellow teachers of different degrees in chemistry, physics, mathematics and computer science are the lack of support for conventions, Olympics and forums. Taking advantage of this time, Dr. Jorge Alejandro Bernal Arroyo said that in 2008, the Director Carlos Rogelio MC Moha Beltran denied financial support to a group of students from the Degree in physics they have to submit research papers in physics conference held in the City of Zacatecas, arguing that the Research and Graduate Studies had no money, however Dr. Victor Castellanos Vargas, former director of the DIP clarified that was not true that there was no money to support such an event, so if you remember is that the request for help did come out of time.
Later a group of physics teachers led by Dr. Manuel Alejandro Acosta, informed Zapata Vázquez Master at the end of 2008 submitted at the disposal of the teacher Candita Victoria Gil Jimenez, a graduate physics project which to date had not been given, the Master Vázquez Zapata replied that this project had been reviewed and approved, and simultaneously notified to the Academic Division of Basic Sciences, directly its Director M: C. Carlos Rogelio Beltrán Moha for approximately six months. Information that was withheld by the administration of the Academic Division of Basic Sciences, bringing as a detriment and a lack of permanent diffuser degree in physics.
Almost at the end of the meeting called for intervention by the Castilian Dr. Victor Vargas, Former Director of Research and Graduate Studies, telling the community of teachers that the Director Carlos Rogelio Beltrán Moha not attend several important meetings held by the dip, although he spoke by telephone on several occasions when they held each meeting, said by Dr . Víctor Vargas Castilian was confirmed immediately by the teacher Maria Isabel Zapata Vázquez, Secretary of Academic Services of the UJAT.
Moreover, the MC Director Rogelio Carlos Beltran to Moha never deigned to tell us what are the benchmarks against which we must work well in teaching and research.
After this meeting we really know who the guilty you want to take the decision to ban the supply of graduate taught in the Academic Division of Basic Sciences, and they are: Carlos Rogelio Beltrán MC Mohamed, Director of the Division and MC Jorge Enrique Valle Can, Coordinator of Teaching same.
addition to the above, please note that the actions, procedures and decisions will be made by presidents of each of the academies of the degrees that are in the Academic Division of Basic Sciences, while we continue as Director and Coordinator of the above mentioned, these administrative cases no longer exist for the community of teachers of the Academic Division of Basic Sciences.
We believe the most healthy for all who ask for his resignation is the Director Carlos Rogelio Beltrán Moha and Teaching Coordinator Jorge Enrique Valle Can. We
the resignation of the Director Rogelio Carlos Beltran Moha MC and MC Teaching Coordinator Jorge Enrique Valle Can, for withholding information relevant to bank the teacher decides to annihilate Candita Gil Jiménez semester admission of Basic Sciences Academic Division Basic Sciences.
also ask the media to make an appointment at the premises of the academic division of basic sciences, where professors and students want to do a press conference, This may be in the early hours of Wednesday October 14, 2009.
expect a favorable response, and we took to send a cordial greeting.
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