Friday, June 18, 2010

Famous Basketball Paintings

My neighborhood in the sun (p. 4) -----------------------------
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Note that so far has reached his delusions of power to the SNAKE, having controlled logistics people left at night to take care of the main entrance of the UJAT Chontalpa Unit, and therefore the watchmen. Who believe!.

Both groups have been urged by the snake to accept girls at night, so that they will stay with them within the university, the same Roberto Calix Marin get them and so the snake has them committed and threatened serve him and let him in until late at night drunk, and also do what he wants within the university. Another

embezzlement of the snake, we know that the UJAT works as a watchman and weekends have taken furniture such as chairs, blackboards, and other small tables, which belong to the University, and these securities have been transported through different trucks. Do you think the teacher and friend Candita porro (Piña Gutiérrez) of the snake they know?, if two of a kind, with the snake.

The snake covers the requirements of a bastard, because you have not imported degenerate origin or nature. Even his accomplices are already seeing it as undesirable.

appreciate the collaboration, keep writing. No one should seize

All we have to make do with what little we have. No one should
crawl like a snake does.

authorities involve ambitious as the snake.
Bobo is one that is left
involved with the mob.


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