Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Red Spot On Front Of Tongue

Andres Granier Melo

Jokes found on the Web. Ojo, Jokes Andres Granier said, at no point is saying that our governor is a joke because if so, is not funny.

GRANIER takes toys and children's Hospital Luis Felipe says: "Mr. Governor, you bring to them children toys and two days ago who do not eat "... ..
Ah! Then tell them that if they do not eat ... no toys!

A Granier was bit by a black dog and ordered it to kill all black dogs TABASCO!
Black dogs start running down the street and at the end there a little white dog. One of the black dogs asks: "And you just why you run, if sent to kill only black dogs?"
"And you ... are you going to believe this lying son of a bitch?"

a drunk man in Plaza de Armas screaming: "THE GOVERNOR IS an asshole, THE GOVERNOR IS an asshole!" Quickly, there are two ministries will begin to bang, and dragged him .. Poor drunk
starts begging: "But .... if I was referring to the Governor of Veracruz! "
And Judas answered him:" Do not try to confuse! We know who is the fool! "

A man in a costume shop:
-" I want a priest costume and mask Granier And that for? "
-" To disguise as Reverend Pendejo! "Granier

annoying calls Pepito and says," Well son of a bitch, I heard that you are telling that when I die, going to line up to spit on my grave, is that true? "
-" No sir, this is a lie ... you know that I do not like standing in line .... "He asks Granier

Johnny," So YOU are the stories? "
-" No, Governor, I am the jokes, the story is YOU! "

Granier comes to the house of a poor but very honest worker.
Lord says, "Look I have five dogs to give him but there is a problem, only three are supporters of you and the other two do not ...." Granier and asks: "And you know that the other two are not supporters mine? "
- "For those two dogs and opened their eyes"



Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Lyndsey Dawn Mckensey

Zacatecas Coming Soon sell products
Agroindustrial and Mezcal to Japanese

visit of Governor Miguel Alonso Japan Reyes opened the possibility of introducing food products from Zacatecas in this market, considered the second largest importer of Mexican products, following the United States.
At the same time, made contact with tour operators in the nation Japan, which has created the possibility of attracting visitors to Zacatecas, interested in cultural tourism, which has become a craze among the Japanese.
The visitor is interested not only in the sun and sand destinations, but seeks to destinations where there are museums, colonial architecture, history, traditions and even values, as Zacatecas is the case.
For two hours, the Governor had the opportunity to present 20 major tour operators attractions available to Zacatecas, in a meeting in the Mexican area of \u200b\u200bthe Embassy of Mexico, here.
Mexican Ambassador Miguel Ruiz Cabañas, in these meetings, stressed the importance of the presence of the governor of Zacatecas, because the Japanese take little account of personal attention and value for commercial purposes any visit.
With regard to imports of products, first was a meeting which discussed the situation of bilateral trade sector Japan-Mexico food, to identify opportunities for our state.
Being present Julian Llaguno Gurza, SAGARPA Minister representing the Asia-Pacific, said a portfolio that has to do with products such as black beans, guava, peach, honey and nopal. In addition to horse meat, highly prized product in the country of the rising sun.
Subsequently, in a meeting with entrepreneurs in the agribusiness sector and vegetables, contacts with importers Royal Co. Ltd., Ikeda Masahi representative attending, Union Co. Ltd., headed by Hideyuki Maita; SC Foods Co. Ltd., headed by Fujio Yanagihara, Mitsuba Trading Co. Lrd., Whose manager is Sessei Wan.
Japan has a wide marketing of tequila, a product that has established itself as large, so that there are niche opportunities for Zacatecas mezcal, which is also made from blue agave.
For this, we conducted a working meeting with the mezcal industry, meeting the Governor with businessmen in the area, such as De Agave Inc, Marco Dominguez and Nishi Kasai, in addition to Sun-Grande Trading, owned by Hisashi Asakura .
With them was a mezcal tasting, achieving interest in the product Zacatecas was described by employers in the industry as high quality and broad prospects to be sold.
In all cases not only showed the products did Zacatecas or promotion entity, but concrete agreements were reached to provide the necessary follow a critical path to build the projects, which will be dealt with directly and permanently by the Ministry of Economic Development of state government.
is the first time a Governor of Zacatecas visit this nation. The presence of Miguel Alonso Reyes has been received with great interest in all business sectors and business with those who have had contact. This ensures that there can be results in a very short time.

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Convoy Group confuses Aemado
Benjamin Medrano, As Rival

(Photo: Rocío Castro Alvarado)
By Efrain Esparza Montalvo
PT local MP, Benjamin Medrano Quezada, reported that last Sunday was chased and detained by an armed group of strangers, Abrego community, municipality of Fresnillo, he drove to that location to visit their constituencies. He said that the legislature identified as the crossing, but not without being threatened.
At a press conference together with its coordinator MP Saul Monreal Avila, offered to every Monday at the seat of parliament, today announced that PT and as a member of the Standing Committee of the Legislature, issued a warrant to the holder of executive power, Miguel Alonso Reyes, to order his secretary Public Safety, to appear before the sovereignty and explain that the actions that have been implemented in the field of security, he said, "no."
And it reported that the last Sunday, to move to the community Abrego to visit their constituencies, as it has in recent days in other communities, in a stretch of highway was chased by a group of strangers who scored the highest, and to answer your queries and questioned him for about a few minutes and reviewed the convoy that accompanied him, but when it was identified as a local MP and explained the reasons for visit, chose to let go but not before throwing threats rigor.
said that at times he thought he was mistaken for a rival group of the vehicles was traveling, as well as its people and perhaps why the detention and interrogation, which in no way justifies the actions of those characters that in the absence of surveillance on the roads and communities they have appropriated them to do and undo at will.
In this regard, he called the governor to explain the actions taken by security, and to order his secretary Public Safety appearing before the MPs in the coming days, and submit a detailed report on his work as head of that body as sensitive to the public.
Medrano Quezada also claimed that the government partner Alonso, Francisco Escobedo Villegas Secretary has failed in its responsibility as "has not bothered to call deputies to discuss the government's actions on security, much less to engage in direct dialogue about the work performed for both branches of the governed. "
Thus was insistent on the need to be The Secretary of Public Security to explain the actions of the executive, given the lack of interest and government liaison representative.

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Demand Change in Energy Policy,
Food and Civil Rights

By Luis Miguel Jiménez Rodríguez

demand the policy change made by the Federation in terms of food, energy and civil rights, said in an interview with Marco Antonio Hernández Medina, state coordinator of the Independent Central of Agricultural Workers and Peasants (CIOAC).
development policies by the federal government are increasingly disservice to society as a whole, because instead of that wealth produced by workers, peasants and other sectors will remain within the Republic, leaders attach to the foreign or domestic companies that are several generations that have governed and still govern most extreme enrich the rich and impoverish the people, he said.
also mentioned that much of late which is currently the country is due to the misallocation of resources as well as the many agreements that are made with companies and governments around the world, far from helping the growth or use of the wealth emanating resources to pay any and all Mexican citizens by taxes, which are used for anything but to help the needy.
In that regard, he noted that farmers are unable to compete with transnational companies and the federal government or state do not provide the necessary support in order to have a sizable profit.
At par, stressed that the situation not improved in any sense, because the federal government does not intend to subsidize diesel, or respect the guaranteed price given to the grains, this despite the announcement by the State Government that the farmers will be supported this year matter.
Medina Hernández
reaffirmed this, saying that as in past years the federation will continue importing millions of tons of grain to be marketed within the state and the country at international prices, which is absurd for the entity, as Zacatecas remains the number one producer of beans, despite the shortcomings and limitations that coyotes pose to the primary sector in general, because they do not respect the prices assigned by the government, through agreements with producers.
With regard to gasoline, called foolish policies employed by the federal government, since it is unacceptable that the petrol is more expensive in a producing country, than any other that does not produce, and all for the oil imports, rather than creating refineries that are favorable for everyone, not only affordable for some, while the rest continues to sink into the misery caused by groups of thieves.
Similarly, said the current administration has not followed up productive projects undertaken before they arrived, a motif that has stalled hundreds of producers. Finished
warning that democracy is a fallacy in Mexico, as the Federal Electoral Institute (IFE) does not allow an ordinary citizen can be registered as a candidate, unless it is integrated into a political party, which have squandered the country's domestic wealth, wasted on nonsense.
Note that this march was simultaneously throughout the country and the idea was to change the federal strategy on diet, energy and civil rights. The march was joined by several unions like the electricians, university telephone operators, among others.

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Governor has before him, Important
Challenge Security Matters: Houses

By Efrain Esparza Montalvo

The former secretary general of the government during the administration Ricardo Monreal, Jaime Casas Madero, found that the governor Miguel Alonso is faced with a major security challenge, and said that an agent is active and dedicated to solving this problem.
In an exclusive interview with Page 24 , former and current notary public servant said that Alonso is a government legitimated by the vote it obtained in the July election, and that therefore the degree liability is higher considering the expectations that people have about him.
said that despite some political actors have expressed doubts about how to govern Executive, and they predict failures in his administration, there will be such, and that the government will respond to citizen demands mostly on issues that are causing your peace and coexistence, as it has done so far. Homes
Madero said that the issue of insecurity is an issue that is not unique to the state, and to a lesser extent than in other states, does not make it any less important, hence the challenge to the president is faced with is uppercase and priority to be addressed.
Asked how insecurity affects a government that is responsible for combat, the former aide Ricardo Monreal said that " significantly, ie, affecting all areas of public administration, and that limits the actions of rulers, but of what it is precisely to make decisions.
commented that this is an issue that is not easy for this or any government, and that responsibility rests not only the authorities but also in society and institutions to combat it, "because it involves us all"; which means that just as there is organized crime, "and should have an organized society to cope with that," although he regretted that no action in this regard, a product of precisely the fear founded there in people to organize.
Finally, the interviewee said that as citizens groups have organized to form societies struggle as the Barzon, and others, and we should also organize citizens to fight crime head on, hence urged citizens to do so and leave out the natural fears that means.

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Arpueba the Budget IEEZ
For Fiscal Year 2011

The Electoral Institute General Council of the State of Zacatecas (IEEZ) approved the application and distribution of the Institute's budget for fiscal year 2011 for 35 million pesos, according to the opinion of the Directors and Privileges Committee on Electoral Body.
Similarly, the General Council decided to empower the Minister President, in order to make the necessary arrangements with the holder of the executive branch, with the aim of obtaining the financial resources for full compliance with the ordinary activities of the Electoral Institute referred to in policies and programs 2011.
The LX Legislature of the State of Zacatecas, in exercise of the powers conferred on it by Article 65, Section XII of the Constitution of the State of Zacatecas, approved the Budget of Expenditures of the State of Zacatecas, for fiscal 2011, which was published in the Official Gazette of the State Government Body 104, dated December 29, 2010 .
On this basis, the LX Zacatecas State Legislature approved a budget for the IEEZ, 115 000 000 109 000 956 pesos, of which under 80 million 109 thousand 956 pesos to sustain regular activities and specific political parties, and 35 million for the regular budget of the Electoral Institute.
budget exercise will be based on policies and programs Electoral Institute of the State of Zacatecas, in 2011, adopted on September 30, 2010, for up to address this body, in which actions are planned to be developed by the administrative authority under the supervision of electoral monitoring bodies . However, the budget situation requires the prioritization of activities that can be addressed immediately and that, therefore, are seen some that are subject to budget availability.
addition, the General Council, based on the provisions of Article 33 of the Regulations for the Administration of Resources IEEZ authorizes the minister president of the Institute, in order that perform the necessary administrative steps before the Chief Executive and the Ministry of Finance of the State Government, in order to obtain the essential need for full compliance of the activities within the policies and programs for the year 2011.
The document Policies and Programs General IEEZ, 2011, includes eight strategic goals called "Organize reliable and transparent elections", "Operating the professional electoral service," "To assist in promoting and disseminating vote Democratic Culture with gender parity, "" Develop and implement technology solutions to support electoral and administrative procedures "," Implementing quality systems "," Preserving the guiding principles of the art "," Strengthening the political party system "and" Promote the access of women to positions of popular election terms of gender balance and encourage their increased representation in public areas of the state decision.