Convoy Group confuses Aemado
Benjamin Medrano, As Rival
(Photo: Rocío Castro Alvarado)
By Efrain Esparza Montalvo
PT local MP, Benjamin Medrano Quezada, reported that last Sunday was chased and detained by an armed group of strangers, Abrego community, municipality of Fresnillo, he drove to that location to visit their constituencies. He said that the legislature identified as the crossing, but not without being threatened.
At a press conference together with its coordinator MP Saul Monreal Avila, offered to every Monday at the seat of parliament, today announced that PT and as a member of the Standing Committee of the Legislature, issued a warrant to the holder of executive power, Miguel Alonso Reyes, to order his secretary Public Safety, to appear before the sovereignty and explain that the actions that have been implemented in the field of security, he said, "no."
And it reported that the last Sunday, to move to the community Abrego to visit their constituencies, as it has in recent days in other communities, in a stretch of highway was chased by a group of strangers who scored the highest, and to answer your queries and questioned him for about a few minutes and reviewed the convoy that accompanied him, but when it was identified as a local MP and explained the reasons for visit, chose to let go but not before throwing threats rigor.
said that at times he thought he was mistaken for a rival group of the vehicles was traveling, as well as its people and perhaps why the detention and interrogation, which in no way justifies the actions of those characters that in the absence of surveillance on the roads and communities they have appropriated them to do and undo at will.
In this regard, he called the governor to explain the actions taken by security, and to order his secretary Public Safety appearing before the MPs in the coming days, and submit a detailed report on his work as head of that body as sensitive to the public.
Medrano Quezada also claimed that the government partner Alonso, Francisco Escobedo Villegas Secretary has failed in its responsibility as "has not bothered to call deputies to discuss the government's actions on security, much less to engage in direct dialogue about the work performed for both branches of the governed. "
Thus was insistent on the need to be The Secretary of Public Security to explain the actions of the executive, given the lack of interest and government liaison representative.
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