Saturday, January 22, 2011

Where To Buy Matcha Toronto

Lo que Hace Bueno a un
Estado es su Gente: Ávila

Por Raúl Francisco Silva

La migración es un fenómeno histórico de Zacatecas. Este problema social tan añejo como actual, se ve reflejado en la pantalla a través de Cutberto, Alejandro Avila character she plays in the telenovela Teresa.

After years of moving from the capital of Zacatecas to the land of opportunity, the magnificent city of Mexico, Cuthbert returned to marry her great love: Juanita, played by Cynthia Klitbo in history transmitted by Channel the Stars.

Despite living many years in exile from his beloved state - by necessity - Cuthbert never lost the simplicity, humility and honesty, values \u200b\u200bin this first decade of the new millennium and are disappearing, to say Alejandro Avila.

The actor from the Perla Tapatia, said that it is urgent that governments and society "work together" to create better employment opportunities and life, not needing to migrate.

"In every state, in every village" there are many good people with a thirst to succeed and need to excel, but the major impediment, as always, economic deprivation and lack of employment, he said.

migration is not only in urban areas of the country but the millions of Mexicans crossing the border into the United States, "I ported from Guadalajara to Mexico because unfortunately there is centralized work and opportunities. "

For soap opera actor and I swear I love you, Wild at Heart and Passion of the labor migration startles the loss of values \u200b\u200bthat has impacted the increase in crime rates.

This situation is evident in his hometown of Guadalajara, because despite being provincial, values \u200b\u200bare falling behind due to population growth and technological progress "we have lost values \u200b\u200band traditions," he said.

Beyond economic growth and progress of the states, said that "what makes good to a state, is its people "and in Zacatecas has found warmth, simplicity and hospitality, values \u200b\u200bthat today have been missing, for all that" is a beautiful state. "

Alejandro Avila explained that Cuthbert - his character in the plot of Televisa - share many values \u200b\u200bthat persist in the province, "the province and are usually" because we have no more claim to be yourself .

"Cuthbert is a city of the province of this country," one of the millions of Mexicans with dreams and illusions of a better life, but refuses to stop living in securities because there are thousands of distractions that can diminish that education is acquired in the province, he said.

Record in Zacatecas is one more ingredient to this great novel, because they show the world some of the traditions Zacatecas is a great honor and praise a little of the wealth of the state, said Alejandro Avila.

Yesterday, the crew and the main cast of Teresa, José Alberto Casto production, was fired from the capital, and returned to the forums Televisa recording the final part of the frame to be completed by mid March.


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