Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Lymes Disease Forehead

World's Largest Slave

A lover of truth all you like to hear a good preacher, a faithful and courageous do not be afraid to tell the truth. These are rare nowadays, but there is a preacher who continues to proclaim day after day, year after year with the same fidelity as always. He is not swayed by the opinions of anyone, nor adapted to the changing times.
and has preached for a long time, and in fact is the world's oldest exhibitor, but has not diminished the strength of their talks. What he says is convincing, and nobody dare to contradict him. However, it is not popular, but church is the whole world. Visit the rich and the poor, everyone will listen with respect.
is eloquent. Moves and stirs the deepest feelings and emotions, as no one has done it. Make tears in your eyes unaccustomed to mourn.
runs the floor to the understanding, conscience and heart of his listeners. Nobody has been able to refute his arguments, nor is the heart that has been entirely insensitive to the strength of your message. He preaches to the people of every religion, and who do not profess any. It is hated by most, but is heard by everyone.

is not refined not polite. Sometimes interrupts the public events and social functions, and intrudes on the private pleasures of those who do not wish to see him. Enter the same in the cloister of religious and at the factory and in prison. Never far from the tavern and there is no palace scare you. His name is Death. The old preacher
have heard many sermons. Every newspaper devotes one or more pages. The graves will serve as a pulpit, and often sees his audience to parade down the street. Any sign of mourning recalls his visit. Is it not true, dear reader, that you too have been approached once, and some have said the ear of yours? The departure of that neighbor, the loss of that dear friend, the solemn farewell of that beloved father, the terrible abyss that is in your heart because it was taken from the beloved wife or her beloved. All these were called the old preacher. And one day soon you could he take you by text. In the troubled family circle, he preached his sermon and you will be the illustration used.
can get rid of the Bible. You can disregard his teachings, ignore his warnings and reject the Savior in it offered. You can get away from the preachers of the gospel, and if you do not like reading this booklet, you can throw it away. But when you've gotten rid of the Word of God and his servants, what will you do with this preacher?
Do you have a plan to retire? Or wait some more years of science and culture make him give up his teachings annoying? He has often indifferent to the events and opinions variables of thousands of years, and is unlikely to change in old age. Consider, O mortal, the prospect is ahead for you! Soon your little one days have passed. Your joys and concerns will be over, and you've left behind on earth forever. You know you have to die, is not it? But when? You must realize that a thing can happen at any age, and without notice. This I told him.
Another important question is this: How do you die? What state of mind you will find death? Blessed are those who might claim that by the grace of God and faith in Jesus Christ are ready now for this amazing event.
But not everyone can speak. In a people worthy of Jerusalem, Jesus had to say once: "Wherever I go, can not come ... Because if you do not believe that I am, ye shall die in your sins."
That's one way to die in sin unsaved. But the Bible also speaks of another way to die. Speaks of those who "died in faith." And, says: "Blessed are who died in the Lord. "These are those who recognized sinners and in need of salvation, have looked by faith to Christ, the Savior who died to free us from the condemnation that our sins have deserved. Him, and He alone has risen to give perfect peace and security to those who receive him. More
to ask when will you die, you do the key question: How
you die?

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Plyometrics Online Workout

Pisuerga Another award! Happy Moments

On 8 March, my story "Eyes dumb" received the 1st Prize of the XII Competition Short Stories Women's Town Hall Laviana.
A doubly happy event, coincided with International Women's Day, and year of the 80 th anniversary of the granting of voting rights for women. Long live the suffragettes! Again
left in the photos. Lots of photos, an interview with TPA (regional TV) and one in the Cadena Ser - Asturias - "today."
You're famous! "I told the whole rock with laughter (ten friends to this ...)
Below I leave the interview at the Cadena Ser (what a strange dream to me ...)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Black And White Sheet Cake Designs


October 2010. My story
"Growing" receives 1 º prize in the Short Story Competition III M ª de las Alas Puma, organized by the Women's Forum Llano de Gijón.
plate, the taloncito, especially dinner with all participants that evening made another indelible memory.
I published in the journal "N-TERA-T", and the daily El Comercio de Gijón (here) and the association collected the award gave me the time.

I am white, in my hand the trophy, but as glass is not appreciated. My enclences musculillos he was appreciated, weighing an egg! (Of the ostrich with double yolk, jejej)

Best Thermal Compnd For Cpu

December 2009 continued to run the drying time until then returned to throw another contest. Target shot and again!: my story "A shiver of nothing" I took the 2 nd Prize XII Dafne Short Story Competition, in Oviedo. You know already. Is here .

not left in the photo. For the memory, the insert my name in gold filigree. Cute.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Letter Position Is Filled That I Applied For

Happy Moments Happy Moments IV (III)

mid-2007, when he took time away from the letters, chance to get another contest turned off the light. I jumped into the river and swimming across the barrier of the elect. With my story "Across the Bridge" won the 1st Prize Short Story Competition VI of the Mental Health Services of the Principality of Asturias (Oviedo October 10, 2007).
was a great moment. The news came in the newspaper El Comercio de Gijón next day but not left in the photo, a person covered my entire table. The very stubborn ...! Sniff. There

my book to the memory and the shelf. The eurillos flew the plane that took us to maridin and me to kick Pisa and Florence.

How To Make Orange Jusice In A Blender

Evaristo, reprobate! JOKES

The political grid is just beginning ... and already have been uncovering some politicians of the PRI governor of the state of our wonderful organization that since her hands granierista administration gives no since and every day collapses, although the mass media Degan Otherwise, total money the dog dances with so many millions that are dealt to each newspaper, it remains to speak well and lying to the community, brother what is said is not what is perceived, and not just one but all the inhabitants.

One Evaristo Hernández Cruz is uncovered, but I think you have stopped the race for 2012 as they are doing Dr. Graham, who with their communications expenses and purchases of salmon have already burned too, now it's up to Evaristo, reprove after so many years, but so is the play the old and mediocre game, to ensure the line is in the end will overlap and approve all bills.

The note is as follows and our source TABASCO HOY

guillotine falls on Evaristo public account disapprove
bought "The Dragon" in 43 mp to companies outside the register of suppliers and lent it to run two plays
Published: Tuesday, March 15, 2011 at 5:07 hrs.Por: Leobardo Pérez Marín
Villahermosa, Tabasco Reduce / Enlarge

Account Center public 2007 that led, Evaristo Hernández Cruz was rejected by most members of the PRI in committee and ordered the Superior Body Control (OSF) are initiated administrative proceedings, compensatory and criminal cases against former officials who made misuse of public resources.

The original opinion prepared by the last legislature was changed and approved by 5 votes of the members of the Third Committee of the Treasury Inspector: PRI, Elda Maria Llergo Asmitia, Izquierdo Alfonso Bustamante, Oscar Castillo Aurora Moa and Piñera and the PRD, Christian Mena Salvador Aquino, while the only legislator who opposed Jesus Selvan Garcia was considering it a "political vendetta" of the party tricolor.

The document that was accessed TODAY Tabasco serious irregularities pointed out stressing the acquisition of equipment for asphalt reencarpetado preheater and best known as the "dragon" which says it was bought at 43 million pesos but not tender on an undertaking that was not even in the council register of suppliers.

also established that these machines were purchased from the company "Impulsora Trade and Construction Mexicana SA de CV" which strangely was assigned a paving project with a total of 35 million dollars, claiming the deputy PRI chaired the Third Committee of the Treasury Inspector that the most serious is that to carry out these works, the city administration gave him borrow the "dragon" who had bought at a price higher than its market value.

that the resurfacing was detected made by that company was blown up by 15 percent, with an additional cost of 3 million 126 thousand pesos, plus deputies found that OSF irregularities detected in 492 investment projects such as: lack of documentation, lack of compliance works programs, inconsistencies in the planning stage and inconsistencies in the execution of works.

The ruling ordered that the OSF should initiate administrative proceedings that may be from a public reprimand to disqualification of officials, as well as compensatory processes start to the municipal treasury in this case is 33 million 126 thousand pesos and finally realizes the authority court to initiate criminal prosecutions against those who have made a bad use of public resources.

"Deriving the deficiencies contained in the preamble could be said to have affected criminal behavior with the Municipal Treasury, authorizing the Supreme Control Authority, to present its case in terms of fractions VII Article 40 of the Constitution of Tabasco and XVI of Article 76 of Supreme Audit Law of the State of Tabasco, to the public prosecutor's complaint made to any, must attach the relevant documentation, points lower part of the opinion that the full in the coming hours.

is important to note that it was the very Evaristo Hernández Cruz, who in December 2008 disagreed with the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJN) to disagree with comments made by the last legislature and the maximum court in April 2010 ordered to be replenished Local Congress under which the procedure had been voted in plenary, and it is so far if the PRI caucus decided to analyze the issue, modify the opinion and failed in committees.


August 1 of 2008. Delivery OSF documentation and technical advice on behalf of Centre from 2007 to the Third Committee of the Treasury Inspector.
December 9, 2008 - Representatives has approved on public opinion.

June 2009 - Evaristo Hernández Cruz promoted to the Supreme Court's constitutional controversy.
April 2010 - The Supreme Court's opinion declares valid the orders issued and replace the procedure.
March 9, 2011 - Full Local Congress decides not to endorse the first opinion and returns it to committees.
March 14, 2011 - Members of the Third Committee of the Treasury Inspector change opinion and disapprove account Evaristo Hernández Cruz.


- buy the dragon in 43 million dollars to the company: "Impulsora Trade and Construction Mexicana SA de CV".
- Dragon The net value is 13 million pesos.
- The irregular amount is 30 million pesos.
- In addition to the company "Impulsora Trade and Construction Mexicana SA de CV" has won a paving project directly for the amount of 35 million pesos in 2007 by paying the amount of 19 million but the worst is that the work was done with the same dragon.
- Inflation the cost of paving.
- Irregularities 3 million 126 thousand pesos in 4 paving.
- In 492 investment projects are comments such as: lack of documentation, lack of compliance with work programs, inconsistencies in the planning stage and inconsistencies in the execution of works.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Phillipa Middleton Kates Sister

Happy Moments (II)

One day I dared to show their faces in three dimensions and presented my story "Marina mine! " in my city. And ... target! Was awarded in the Literary Fair IV of the Popular University of Gijón in April 2002. There
the book, sharing tapas with other authors.


then and I was already packed. I kept sending stuff here and there, when chance made me in the eyes (without looking) the basis of a contest, as was the case with next win. With my story "Brothers" won a of Literary Contest Accesit the English Court of Gijón: "The Adventure of Parenting." Besides

applause eurillos I first arrived in the form of credit card spending without pain. The dream of every woman!, And as good wasteful, let it dry in a flash-splash, so that I can only award one to remember the tiny note where newspapers El Comercio and La New Spain in Gijon echoed (quietly) at that time (October 2002). They said
it would print, but it was not. Snifff

Free Offer To Lease Commercial

Happy Moments (R) 2011 Kings

Today I was picking on a doily some of the memories pleasing that I have received letters this hobby together. My "first literary joy" came as coming first loves: unprepared. I had never written anything (literally, of course) and one day I decided to try something small: the buses. The first one broke, but the second was sent to the program "La Ventana" Gemma Nierga where my admiration Juan Jose Millas I rewarded him. It was the week of March 15, 2002. Only 20 lines and a title: "Diary of John" (here) Wow, I thought, let's see if I have talent and do not know? (I still do not know.)
days later I came home a lot of books (not yet read it, sorry, Julia) and ... ta-ta-Tach: a ham! Although this dish made me feel as if I had played the lottery of a village fair, failed to clear the goofy smile that feels the not be important. There

books. The ham is no longer with us. There was fine on the shelf. Had to sacrifice so that the poor did not feel discriminated against. Rest in peace.


Then came small Cafedeartistas awards at the Forum, who always in my heart, for everything I learned from some foreros today and rub shoulders with the greats. My stories "First Love" (here) and "windings" (here) -that the title of this blog, are part of those happy days.