The of MC DAVID GONZALEZ SANTIAGO MURILLO Professor of the Academic Division of Engineering and Architecture, was the victim of beatings, threats to you (death), to his profession, for their property, harassment, harassment and other crimes that have affected his personality, being responsible for the CONSPIRACY chemical engineering student COLD MAY ANGEL FLORES, the Director of the Division Engineering & Architecture Academic MC RIVERA MIGUEL ANGEL HERNANDEZ, Administrative Coordinator MISAEL PEREYRA LEON, teachers ARTURO OSORIO SANCHEZ AND MIGUEL ANGEL HERNANDEZ RAMOS, students HEFZY LINDA RAMOS VEGA LAZARO GLOR HOPE CORDOVA, BERENICE CAYETANO REYES, ISMAEL SANTOS RAMOS, ALAN Jhovanny CROSS CHAIN, EDUARDO RAMOS LOPEZ, LUIS ALBERTO SÁNCHEZ DE LA CRUZ, DAVID OCTAVIO AND TORRES HERNANDEZ IGNACIO REYES VELAZCO Peñate. All mentioned herein are held accountable for what might happen the MC DAVID GONZALEZ SANTIAGO MURILLO, property and my family.
The MC DAVID GONZALEZ SANTIAGO MURILLO, has filed two criminal complaints: The first case, for all those involved in crimes against him and others that affect him, and the second lawsuit against ARTURO OSORIO SANCHEZ MC, TEOFILO Moheno grandchildren and other stakeholders who have claimed that David Santiago Murillo González MC sexually harassed he asked the buttocks of a student who was teaching in CS itself. These claims are being processed by the Public Ministry Cunduacán, Tabasco.
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