Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What Does The T Wire On Weathertron Do?


Dated December 19, 2008 it is stated that ...
December 19, 2008

Chem. Andrés Rafael Granier Melo . Who

complaint, ING. JOSE ALFREDO RUIZ Najera, Research Professor of the Universidad Juarez Autonoma de Tabasco, assigned to the Academic Division of Basic Sciences. I have filed a demand for labor (case 2089/02) since December 13, 2002 against the University and the Union of Professors and Researchers from the Universidad Juárez Autónoma of Tabasco. That lawsuit was settled by the LIC. CORNELIUS EGLA LANDERO, President of the Government of the Local Board of Conciliation and Arbitration in the State of Tabasco in coordination with his subjects that warranted by their signatures thereto, which are: LIC. BEATRIZ LÓPEZ PRIEGO (senior secretary of the organizational structure of the Local Board of Conciliation and Arbitration in the State of Tabasco), LIC. PABLO ARENAS Casanga (UJAT Professor and serves as representative to the Local Board of Conciliation and Arbitration through SPIUJAT being SRIO. Gen. CP JORGE FUENTES MILE), LIC. CONSTANTINO GONZALEZ CAROLINA AND LIC. JOVITA LOPEZ CRUZ (both are professors at the UJAT and are not civil servants Local Board of Conciliation and Arbitration of Tabasco, they do not appear in the Organizational Structure.) The failure of the labor demand was the day October 14, 2008 in favor of Juarez Autonomous University of Tabasco, or rather in favor of CANDIDATE MA VICTORIA GIL JIMENEZ, after several months that ended the legal process work in the month of November 2007, according to federal labor law should the ruling be more than two months later, however in my case happened almost a year to come to give this resolution and this resolution was given for the day 11 October 2008 e-mail I sent him a teacher CANDIDATE VICTORIA JIMENEZ GIL to solve such labor issues, saying that the Vanguard newspaper and had heard my problems (education and employment have led me from the time of Dr. FRANCIS GEORGE ABDO, as Ex_Rector) and I were looking for and he did not want this worse but if a week had no response and if the Vanguardia newspaper found me after a week would have no choice but to provide information and describe such injustices that have been victimized by several officials UJAT, that was the reason why such a streamlined resolution, they thought they (CANDIDATE MA GIL JIMENEZ VICTORIA AND MR. EGLA CORNELIUS LANDERO) that this was the way to quiet me, it was the opposite because he got to revive the educational problem of my Masters in Engineering and Environmental Protection in DACBiol taught and gave me a place to give information to the newspaper La Vanguardia. The favorable resolution gave the LIC. CORNELIUS EGLA LANDERO the Universidad Juarez Autonoma de Tabasco, fit crimes committed during and at the end of the process for that decision to the detriment of my work guarantees and individual as worker, job nature, federal labor law protects the worker provided no offense to alter the employment relationship with the rules of the institution for whom you work, but in this case my dismissal was unjustified, for that reason I reinstalled on August 10, 2004, which by law must have paid me my wages and my benefits when I reinstall, which did not, as planned since then between CHANCELLOR CANDIDATE MA VICTORIA JIMENEZ GIL and the PRESIDENT OF RECONCILIATION ARBITRATION AND THE STATE LIC. CORNELIUS EGLA LANDERO, not to pay me for almost two years I was out of college without justification, commit the crimes of complicity, premeditation, treachery and advantage are offenses of criminal law, apart from these offenses are others who are associated with labor resolution gave the LIC. CORNELIUS EGLA LANDERO for Juárez Autonomous University of Tabasco, where over out crime and parent súbdelitos the arbitrary resolution of my case work, crimes committed by the President of the Local Conciliation and Arbitration, LIC. CORNELIUS EGLA LANDERO and the Rector MA VICTORIA CANDIDATE GIL JIMENEZ, with the following: The penalty matrix is \u200b\u200bthe abuse of authority by both sides, for conspiring to give arbitrary decision on my application, intentionally LIC. CORNELIUS EGLA LANDERO as a civil servant gives resolution opposing the constitution and federal labor law, causing harassment, moral and economic grievances, and the crime of abuse of authority matrix derived from other crimes, including: prevarication, bribery, TRAFFIC INFLUENCES and CORRUPTION. The prevarication is the crime that is that an authority, court or other public officer issued an arbitrary decision in a judicial or administrative proceedings, knowing that this resolution is unjust. This offense is punishable by criminal law, which seeks to protect individuals (affected) and the administration (Local Board of Conciliation and Arbitration), in turn go to the criminal courts for such an offense committed on me. BRIBERY active and passive (there was bribery on both sides, as the LIC. EGLA CORNELIUS LANDERO is the guardian of the defendant or the UJAT is legally the UJAT, Professor of UJAT DACSyH, and along with all these office also serves as President of the Local Conciliation and Arbitration in the State "ADVOCATE GENERAL WORKER'S WAY" and the GIL JIMENEZ VICTORIA CANDIDATE MA serves as a representative of the UJAT), bribery is a crime when an officer or authority accepts or solicits a gift in exchange for performing or omitting an act or decision in favor or against, then the LIC. CORNELIUS EGLA LANDERO work performed in that resolution for the Universidad Juarez Autonoma de Tabasco as judge and jury, and that's a crime more. This resolution is going to cause problems in the future. Influence-peddling, this crime occurs in exchange for favors or compromises between two or more people to harm or injure a third party, or the congratulatory as corruption ally, at the time that Mr. EGLA CORNELIUS LANDERO is an advocate for the complaint against the UJAT addition, she works in the UJAT as a teacher and advocate legal and concurrently serves as president of the Local Board of Conciliation and Arbitration. CORRUPTION is the crime of allies among a corrupter and a corrupted. That partnership was between the CHANCELLOR CANDIDATE MA VICTORIA JIMENEZ GIL as corrupt as corrupt and is located directly to the JURIST PRESIDENT OF THE LOCAL BOARD OF CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION OF LIC. CORNELIUS EGLA LANDERO.

Locating in the picture has Juárez Autonomous University Tabasco Tabasco to society for ethical and moral degradation inflicted by the CANDIDATE MA VICTORIA GIL JIMENEZ, this degradation stems from their whims, political interests and unhealthy excesses of ambition, that are leading to violate the highest law of all Mexicans and ORGANIC LAW consequence of our Universidad Juarez Autonoma de Tabasco, involving all those who depend directly and indirectly from it, as is the case in particular for the LIC. CORNELIUS EGLA LANDERO, President of the Local Board of Conciliation and Arbitration, in relation to my job application (Exp. 2089/02) filed on December 13, 2002. I also allow the MA seated CANDIDATE VICTORIA JIMENEZ GIL inherited and accepted the administrative complicity of my labor abuse Leaving UJAT EX_RECTOR OF DR. ABDO GEORGE FRANCIS in relation to unjustifiably fired me from my relations on November 29, 2002, executing this command the active Director of the Academic Division of Agricultural Sciences, MC DIAZ JORGE ARTURO GONZALEZ supported EX_SRIO direct. GRAL. THE SPIUJAT MVZ. JESUS \u200b\u200bHERNANDEZ MANUEL DOMINGUEZ and their collaborators LIC. JUAN RODRIGUEZ ADAN Alipio, EX_SRIO. WORK AND CONFLICTS OF SPIUJAT and LIC. TOSCA HERIBERTO LOPEZ Ex_ASESOR SPIUJAT LEGAL. But besides this accursed inheritance left him EX_RECTOR DR. ABDO GEORGE FRANCIS, has also refused to give solution to this problem at work, financially and emotionally damaging to my family. CANDIDATE MA VICTORIA JIMENEZ GIL continues to involve more of its employees of medium and low administrative ranks, professors of the Academic Division of Agricultural Sciences and SRIO own. SPIUJAT General of CP JORGE FUENTES MILE. The senior and middle managers listed with their positions, names and surnames in the next few lines above are the intellectual and material authors were directly involved in my dismissal unfair labor then the personalities involved will direct and indirect employment to abuse that I was a victim for almost two years, from November 29, 2002 until the date of my relocation to the DACBásicas, which was the August 10, 2004, by this time nothing will appear with their charges, their names, will not appear participation and involvement in my work and abuse the legal process work to date we are acting, in the next version will describe in detail the involvement and participation of each in this labor problem, being the following: DR. ABDO GEORGE FRANCIS, UJAT Ex_rector of January 2000 to January 2004 and Pres. ITAIP active; LIC. Manuel Andrade Diaz, Ex_gobernador of Tabasco, MA VICTORIA GIL CANDIDATE JIMENEZ, Rector of the UJAT January 2004 to date; MVZ. JESUS \u200b\u200bMANUEL HERNANDEZ DOMINGUEZ, Ex_Srio. SPIUJAT General of December 1995 to December 2004, MC DIAZ JORGE ARTURO GONZALEZ, Director of the Div Acad. of Agricultural Sciences of the UJAT March 2001 to date, LIC. HILARIO GÇOMEZ LEYVA, active Director Human Resources UJAT, MC LOPEZ JOSE NARANJO ISABEL, Ex_director of the UJAT DESE, LIC. JUAN RODRIGUEZ ADAN Alipio, ex_ SRIO. work and conflicts SPIUJAT, LIC. TOSCA HERIBERTO LOPEZ, Legal Ex_asesor SPIUJAT; ING. JOSIAH FELIX ALVAREZ, Administrative Ex_coordinador CCIP; ING. CANO GREGORIO MOLINA, Ex_jefe Computing Center the TAT and TAT Administrative Coordinator; LIC. RAMIREZ ESMERALDA MURILLO, administrative Ex_coordinadora the CCIP; Noverola Ulises Lopez MC, Ex_jefe the research area of \u200b\u200bthe CCIP and teaching coordinator of the CCIP, MC HERNANDEZ MELCHOR HERNANDEZ, Ex_jefe Terminal area of \u200b\u200bteaching in the CCIP; DR. GOD'S OSCAR OMAR VALLEJO, Ex_coordinador research and graduate of the CCIP; MC HILDA TORRES ACOSTA, Ex_delegada of the CCIP and CP JORGE FUENTES MILE, SRIO. SPIUJAT General of December 2004 to date.

The ratio of staff are described above are transgressors of the laws governing UJAT the SPIUJAT and state government body's defense work that is the LOCAL BOARD OF CONCILIATION AND ARBITRATION OF TABASCO. The laws that violated these figures are based on our university charter, where with they should be free, strong, democratic and fair and equitable to build real institutions, in our Constitution is embodied in the world of social rights, education, to land and justice at work. In particular it transgressed the collective bargaining agreement that governs labor relations between the Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco and academic work through the union of professors from the Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco, and this paves the specific to establish the regulatory conditions of work. Chapters with sections that were violated in the collective bargaining agreement are as follows: CHAPTER I: General Provisions, Sections I and 6 CHAPTER II: Tutilaridad the Contract and applicable law, Clauses 7 and 9, Chapter III: Obligations University, Section 12, Chapter V: Working Conditions, Clauses 32, 38 and 40, Chapter VII: Suspension, Rescission and Termination of Employment Academic, Clauses 53, 58 and 60, Chapter X: Wages, Clause 76 and 80, Chapter XVII: Conflict Clauses 123, 124 and 125.

The next version of my case will work in more detail, also complements it with the abuse my master's education in Engineering and Environmental Protection, that I took in the period 1998 - 2000 in the Academic Division of Biological Sciences, one Materials Authors DR. HOWARD ADAMS RANDY SCHROEDER and many masterminds of high and medium range of UJAT and SPIUJAT.

This dissatisfaction of both Educational and labor abuses at the moment I'm doing just to get to the State Government to give a favorable solution for both parties, and for the benefit of the Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco and the state. After the time period of our Mexican Constitution, will make it known nationally with the relevant authorities and with the media and national levels.


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