Charges of sexual harassment were filed with the State Human Rights Commission under file number 0424/2006 and to the National Human Rights Commission, with the number 2006/2038/2/R. On Monday, the student will attend DACE Lizbeth Marqueda Fanny, to the Attorney General to sue state Rector of UJAT
Liliana Almeida
A new case of power and sex leaves the public, sexual harassment suffered by the young student Marqueda Fanny Lisbeth Castro and that resisted by the chancellor of the UJAT , Maria Victoria Gil Jiménez Candita cost him the post of president of the student society of the DACE, career in business administration and to live in peace their personal and professional life.
Charges of sexual harassment were filed with the State Human Rights Commission under file number 0424/2006 and to the National Human Rights Commission, with the number 2006/2038/2/R. On Monday, the student will attend DACE Lizbeth Marqueda Fanny, to the Attorney General to sue state Rector of UJAT
Liliana Almeida
A new case of power and sex leaves the public, sexual harassment suffered by the young student Marqueda Fanny Lisbeth Castro and that resisted by the chancellor of the UJAT , Maria Victoria Gil Jiménez Candita cost him the post of president of the student society of the DACE, career in business administration and to live in peace their personal and professional life.
The story of a distraught mother about the abuse of power and having cut short the life of her daughter, Mrs. Fanny Lisbeth Castro Zavala, recounted in detail the harassment he suffered his only daughter 21 years old at the time, the situation that had to pass a young entrepreneur with dreams and ideals, full of desire to succeed and that in her student life trying to make their mark and left her, but how least expected. Now it has become a woman full of fears, mistrust and thought hard.
From there, we identify a series of harassment by the staff of the university, which to this day do not end, the family in full support Fanny, filed a lawsuit against the leadership in the State Commission Human Rights, with the record 0424/2006.
In the months pass and no reply to the complaint filed resorted National Commission of Human Rights, with the record 2006/2038/2/R where where they have been expressly ordered to solve the problem, but are still hoping that this case be reviewed again.
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